Why I Chose My Novel Protagonist to Be a Male

Gender biases are rooted even in the best of us

Sude Hammal
The Brave Writer


Photo by Anthony DELANOIX on Unsplash

Long before I started writing on Medium, I was flamed with the idea of creating a compelling novel, imagining a whole different world that I can shape the characters, events, dialogues, and every little detail in the story myself, pour my imagination and soul into it and come up with this piece of art. It is safe to say this is still my biggest aspiration in life and the ultimate goal I want to reach.

I wrote a bunch of different novel attempts since the age of 12 and dumped all of them at some point, but the latest I was working on, I started to imagine it around 2 years ago.

I shaped the story, what the characters would be like, where would the story take place, and what would be the main lesson the reader could reach in the end.

I didn’t write that much though, because I’m a perfectionist and I was waiting for the right time to come and to be more informed on the issues that I’ll base the novel on. However, my characters and their qualities were all set from the beginning.

I sometimes add little things to their character descriptions, but they more or less have the same characteristics I attained to them from the start.



Sude Hammal
The Brave Writer

B.A. in Psychology. Lifelong learner. Writing about Psychology, Self, Writing, and other topics of interest. Weekly newsletter: ideasandscribbles.substack.com