Why I Write for Money and Money Only

Where your treasure is there lies your heart

Matthew Prince
The Brave Writer


Photo by Piotr Łaskawski on Unsplash

I write for money only.

I don’t care about views. I don’t care about my following and engagement. I also don’t care about the art or science of writing. The only reason I write is that I want to make money and plenty of it.

I do not write all day because I love to write (even though I do). I also do not write because I have the best ideas to share with readers — even though I do still try to share great ideas.

You see, money is my primary goal. It comes before anything else for me.

Well, maybe not quite.

Money or Fame?

I just completed a survey by the Medium Research Team (which inspired my writing this article). A couple of questions in the survey were about the writer’s (survey participants) motivation to write. There was a question like, “Why do you write?”, with three options: “For the money,” “Neutral,” and “To share ideas and money is just an incentive.”

It made me think deeply. I was trying to be as honest as I could in the survey.

I had to ask myself once more. It was like I was questioning a child, my innocent inner child. “Are you sure you would write if you were not making money from…



Matthew Prince
The Brave Writer

I am a writer who is trying to understand the world. I write on philosophy, psychology, social justice, and everything else. For more info: princedet5@gmail.com