Why Writers Should be Paying More Attention to Substack

An overview of one of the hottest newsletter platforms

Thom Gallet
The Brave Writer


Photo by ConvertKit on Unsplash

Since I started writing online, I have surrounded myself with the voices of industry experts. From them, I’ve learned that online writing is a constantly changing game, and it’s paramount to stay on top of emerging trends if you want to see success in this field.

So whether it’s advice in Nicolas Cole’s latest book or from Casey Newton’s Twitter feed, there is a common message I keep hearing, again and again.

Writers should pay serious attention to the new platform, Substack.

This is probably a good time to mention I’m not being paid by Substack to write this post. These opinions I’m about to share are solely based on my experience.

So what is Substack? How does it work? And more importantly, why should you waste your time with another platform when there are so many out there begging for your attention?

Well, sit back and get comfy, because in this article, I’m going to answer these questions; hopefully giving you a well-rounded impression of this exciting new platform and why it might be the perfect addition to your writing toolbox.

What is Substack?



Thom Gallet
The Brave Writer

Writing optimistic unsolicited advice and opinions.