Your Reasons For Writing Are As Important As Anyone Else’s

Write for your reasons, not the ‘right’ reasons

Tom Stevenson
The Brave Writer


Photo by Art Lasovsky on Unsplash

Why do you write? It’s a question often asked of writers and even by writers to other writers.

One reason is we assume one must have a reason for doing everything. We work to put a roof over our heads and provide for our family. We watch TV to relax after a hard day or write to express our feelings and share our thoughts with the world.

Most writers have a reason for why they write. But if you were to ask those same writers for the reason they write, you’d get a range of different answers. Some would range from expected reasons for writing, while others would be more obscure and personal to the writer.

Writing can be a rollercoaster. I love writing, I can’t ever imagine myself not writing. But there are times when I question whether why I do it.

What I don’t question is my reason for writing. Nor, do I question why others write about what they do. It’s amazing I even have to write these words, but there’s a multitude of reasons why people write, almost all of them valid.

Unless you plan on writing a follow-up to Mein Kampf, your reasons for writing are on point. The beauty of life is the diversity of people and opinions. This is what makes…

