ÍKEKETÓRIĒ: I Crossed the Bars on Medium; All By My Own Strength

Meet the writer with 100 articles who earned without a single curation

Njide Mkparu
The Brave Writer


Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

ÍKE KETÓRIĒ. That is what I am.

Meaning, “sweating it out”; and that is all I have done here.

Proudly, I am.

Everything I have earned here as a writer, I sweat it out.

I feel proud in my heart today as I join other million writers to tell how the journey so far has been on Medium today. Other writers who are on Medium wrote about their two weeks, three weeks, or one month's journey. But I decided to wait until this time. I waited because I needed to gather enough evidence to back up my claims.

The only regret I have in joining Medium is when I remember that I didn’t discover it on time. I didn’t join one of the largest networks of writers on time.

But I have come and l am doing the best I could and I am doing well for myself.

I am a mother and a full-time housewife (it is my choice). My husband is a church missionary. Mission works take him far away from the home always.

So, I need to be at home to take care of our biological flocks.

