Brazilian Government presents 10-year Energy Plan (PDE 2026)

TBO Editor
The Brazil Opportunity
3 min readJul 19, 2017

The Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy published on July 7 2017, for public consultation until August 6 2017, the 100-year Energy plan for the country. We translated and highlighted the press release below, and provide a link to the original document at the bottom of this publication.

PDE206 includes 48% of renewable sources in the Internal Energy Offer

The Public Consultation for the proposal of the 10-Year Energy Expansion Plan 2026 (PDE 2026) is available until August 6. The document is the result of studies carried out by the technical teams of the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) and the Energy Research Company (EPE).

In this edition, in addition to a traditional benchmark expansion scenario, PDE 2026 has sensitivity analyzes to anticipate the consequences of future contingencies that may affect the Electric Sector, including a scenario of rapid recovery of the national economy and another that projects the consequences of a significant increase in the competitiveness of the solar source. In addition, technical documents detailing the methodological innovations incorporated into the planning process will be published together with the Plan’s proposal.

Studies indicate that the Internal Energy Supply (OIE) energy needed to move the economy amounts to 351 million toe (Mtoe) in 2026, resulting in a growth of 2% per year. Of this amount, renewable sources can reach a share of 48% in 2026.

The participation of renewable sources in meeting the growth of energy consumption was prioritized in the elaboration of the PDE 2026, which maintains the Brazilian commitment to promote its economic growth based on a clean energy matrix, adhering to the National Policy on Climate Change (PNMC) And to the other international commitments signed by Brazil. The expansion of energy supply and consumption envisaged in PDE 2026, made available for Public Consultation, meets the energy sector’s stated goal in terms of the absolute value of greenhouse gas emissions in the year 2020.

Investments in energy infrastructure to supply the necessary expansion by 2026 reach R $ 1.4 trillion. Oil and gas will absorb 71.4% of investments, investments in electricity generation and transmission 26.2%, and those destined to increase the supply of biofuels by 2.4%.

The expansion of the installed capacity of the National Interconnected System (SIN) for the 10-year horizon is 64.1 GW, of which 75% refers to renewable sources and 50% to non-hydro renewable sources.

Regarding the transmission of electric power, PDE is forecast to increase 61.8 thousand km in transmission lines, and an increase of 199.2 GVA in transformation capacity.

Obtaining the documents and information related to PDE 2026, as well as sending the contributions for the improvement of the proposal will be received until August 6, 2017, through the Public Consultations portal of the Ministry of Mines and Energy.

Social Media Advisory

Ministry of Mines and Energy

(end of translation)




TBO Editor
The Brazil Opportunity

Editor of “The Brazil Opportunity”