
When You Are Wearing Rose-Coloured Glasses, You Miss All The Red Flags

A hilarious yet inspiring take on a missing the red flags in a relationship.

Sakshi Udavant (Luna)
10 min readApr 23, 2020



Once, a long back, I started talking to one of my readers on Instagram. We were going through something similar at the moment and found a sense of comfort in each other. A few days later, I came up with the idea of starting a mental health club where everyone could feel safe and supported. She told me her best friend would want to join too.

Glad to already have a new member, I asked her if I could talk to him first to get a basic idea of who he was. Obviously no one would talk about their personal problems to a random dude so I wanted to make sure everyone knows everyone and feels at ease.

So I introduced myself to this guy and within a few days of talking, I realised he was madly in love with my friend. I encouraged him to make a move, perhaps ask her out. Turns out, she knew. But she was not interested in him. She had near about brother zoned him.

Things went on mundanely for a few days until my friend mysteriously disappeared. Nobody knew what happened…



Sakshi Udavant (Luna)

Freelance writer and marketing consultant working with top-tier brands like PayPal, Mozilla, Insider, Digital Trends, etc. Get in touch: