Why Art is Therapy & Therapy is Art


Image by Stefan Schweihofer from Pixabay

I am a scientist by necessity, and not by vocation. I am really by nature an artist… And of this there lies an irrefutable proof, which is that in all countries into which psychoanalysis has penetrated, it has been better understood and applied by writers and artists than by doctors. ~ Sigmund Freud

Photo by Dazzle Jam from Pexels

Elisa is on stage. She has no prior acting experience. In fact, she spends her days as an office manager for a large brokerage firm. With the aid of her therapist, and a group of fellow clients, she is telling her story of surviving a life of trauma and torment as a child.

Bob is a fine artist with an MFA from Yale. His latest show depicts collages of fragmented images he’s photographed and drawn. Brought together these surreal montages offer a dreamscape of Bob’s visual impressions and deepest reveries when asleep. So inspired was he, by the dream analysis in his therapeutic work, that he felt compelled to concretize the workings of his interior world through his chosen artistic mediums.



Rev. Sheri Heller, LCSW, RSW
The Break Down Wake Up Journal

Complex trauma clinician and writer. Survivor turned thriver, with a love for world travel, the arts and nature. I think outside the box. Sheritherapist.com