The Marketing Genius of Adulthood

Lady BristleCrown
The Break Room
Published in
2 min readJul 31, 2023

I wish they weren’t all in such a hurry to grow up... Adulthood is not what it’s cut out to be.

WHY are young ones so eager to jump into adulthood? What do they see in a world of jaded grown ups that makes them want to join the club? Even those of us who had an enviable, sheltered, safe childhood left it all behind too soon.

There will come a day when their school bell will ring for the last time, after which it’s an endless hamster wheel of responsibilities, bills, burdens, bills, responsibilities… When, waist-deep in the mundane-mill, it seeps into their awareness that THIS SCRAPYARD is the adulthood they wasted their time waiting for, their childhood won’t be waiting in a backup drive.

In a hurry for the ‘promised land’ of adulthood that would give us much-hyped freedom, we completely forgot to acknowledge reality. Like the enthralled subjects of a TVC, we were starry-eyed for a vivid animation that was anything but true... Behind the TVC colors of the canvas was another story altogether — mottled grey aimlessness, dirt-brown drudgery, streaks of khaki leading nowhere after a lifetime of work…

But when have TVCs ever been known to inject reality into their false cheerfulness?

I want to understand viral marketing from the person who sells ‘adulthood’ to young ones. The product they are selling has survived WARS, GENERATIONS, and ENTIRE CIVILISATIONS. It’s not even word of mouth from ‘users’ — seriously, if you were to ask an actual adult about adulthood, am sure they’d leave a very negative review, just like I’m doing.

It’s passed on through sheer mental conditioning, something am sure every single corporation in this world is envious of.

To every child in this world — cherish your innocence.

To every parent, guardian, elder — protect your children from the dark, until you absolutely cannot.



Lady BristleCrown
The Break Room

Your average confused 30-something. Museum-worthy brain. Soul-tea chef extraordinaire.