How The Breaking News Network supports campaigns for social good

The Breaking News Network ( and its affiliated networks covering local topical news can amplify campaigns nationally across over 300 city news feeds, and create social engagement that no other national media network can do.

The Breaking News Network(“BNN”), established in 2009, is currently the largest and most comprehensive local news network in the world. From day one, the network has been dedicated to community service and social impact. The network curates over 18,000 community voices: local media, politicians, civic groups, nonprofits, performing arts organizations and community leaders, across 400 cities worldwide. The BNN combines community inclusivity with a no-advertising policy, resulting in local good will that no other ad-based media network has achieved in history.

BNN Networks is building a series of topical / niche local news networks across 100 major cities in the US and Canada covering topics of social and cultural impact not consistently reported within today’s cash strapped local news ecosystem.

ARTS — Local arts news
BLCK — Local African American community news
CHNG — Local news of social impact
CLMT — Local climate change news
FOOD — Local food news
IMMREF — Local immigration reform news
MSLM — Local Muslim community news
POLS — Local political news
RE — Local real estate and housing news
STRT — Local startup and tech news

Introducing BNN Campaigner

A service to spread the word of social good

What do we do?

We massively expose campaigns to millions on social media, across as many as 400 cities worldwide. Our campaign aren’t positioned as advertising. We optimize messaging, often as compelling “breaking news”, for virality in order to achieve engagement. The syndication effect is tantamount to one daily “Thunderclap” that harnesses hundreds of trusted local news feeds, many of which have been followed by local readers for over six years.

Who benefits?

BNN Campaigner is designed for brands, nonprofits, foundations, civic organizations, political movements, social enterprises, and academic institutions to dramatically increase their social media reach as a way to advance social progress. Our clients include major political organizations and foundations, independent publishers and filmmakers, and social entrepreneurs.


The unique feature of the BNN’s localized media campaigns is its ability to drive the message hyperlocally and granularly, where word of mouth can truly happen at the friends and family level.

According to recent research by BuzzFeed’s Jon Steinberg and StumbleUpon’s Jack Krawczyk:

Our data show that online sharing, even at viral scale, takes place through many small groups, not via the single status post or tweet of a few influencers. While influential people may be able to reach a wide audience, their impact is short-lived. Content goes viral when it spreads beyond a particular sphere of influence and spreads across the social web via ordinary people sharing with their friends.

Why Breaking News is More Engaging than Sponsored Ads

Our flagship network launched in 2009, The Breaking News Network ( amplifies campaigns nationally across over 400 city news feeds, and creates social engagement that no other national media network can do. Our networks have been ad-free since day one, and our campaigns are organic, authentic and grass roots with no hint of “advertising”. We optimize messaging, often as compelling breaking news, and harness hundreds of trusted local news feeds, many of which have been followed by local readers for seven years

How “breaking news” is more engaging and cost efficient than Twitter advertising. Salesforce’s July 2015 Ad Benchmark report indicates the average Twitter CPM (cost per 1,000 impressions) is $8.92. We guarantee that our Twitter CPM is ~ $4.00.

Media Impact

Our campaigns have documented the following metrics over one month based on one daily post across our news networks:

  • Social reach: ~24,000,000
  • Twitter impressions: ~1,000,000–1,200,000
  • Engagement rates on Twitter: ~20,000–25,000
  • Clickthrough rates on Facebook: ~5,000

Examples of Media Impact

Amplification of one tweet from @RaceMovie by the BNN yields over 400 RTs and 300 likes. The total social reach of this one time amplification is over 600,000.

@RaceMovie amplified by BNN, BLCK (Black News Network) and CHNG (Change News Network for Social Impact) yields 640 RTs and 222 likes (as of 2/18/16 10:00am)

Reach Report

We use (report explainer here) to document metrics of one specific amplification for #EarthHour on March 19, 2016. Tweetreach’s Exposure, calculated in Impressions, is the potential reach of the amplification. Twitter’s definition of Impressions is different, it is the algorithmic display of the tweet in follower timelines (they don’t show it to everybody). Our average Twitter impressions, not shown on the report, is ~4–5% of Exposure. For the above report indicating Exposure of ~600,000, the actual Twitter impression is ~24,000–30,000. Salesforce’s July 2015 Ad Benchmark report indicates the average Twitter CPM (cost per 1,000 impressions) is $8.92. We can guarantee that our Twitter CPM is ~ $4.00.

Comparison with Thunderclap

Excerpt: How BNN Funding is cracking the code on crowdfunding marketing

What makes your system more efficient than Thunderclap?

The difference is with Thunderclap, you need to wait a few weeks and badger others to register to participate in the campaign. And badgering others is simply using up social capital. No matter what people say, it’s best to save your social capital for better things. The BNN can unleash a campaign instantly with a social reach of over 600,000, more than the average Thunderclap without expending any personal social capital. And it can do it daily if needed.

It’s More Than Reach

The BNN has developed a unique support network platform that amplifies the voices of advocates, cohorts and affiliates of our clients. Simply put, by providing advocates with media exposure, they will reciprocate the good will with committed campaign engagement. It works especially well with federated organizations with local operatives. Contact us for details.

PR Agencies

Yes, we’d love to collaborate with you to develop massive marketing and cause related campaigns.

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The Breaking News Network The Breaking News Network

The Breaking News Network is a global hyperlocal network devoted to social good. Our 400 cities are followed by over 1,200,000 loyal readers. @thebnn