Timeline: Donald Trump and General Flynn

A simple prospective explanation of the events leading to General Flynn’s resignation on February 13, 2017

12/29/16) Obama imposes sanctions on Russia over election hacking


Trump immediately says “move on”, no need for sanctions.

12/29/16) The initial Russian response, according to Fox News, was retaliation:

The restrained response from Putin was a marked contrast from noises from the Kremlin earlier Friday, when Putin’s deputies pushed for a stronger response.

So Trump apparently instructed Flynn to call his contact Russian diplomat Sergey Kislyak (who he had been in touch with during the campaign) and message Kremlin that sanctions can be reversed once Trump becomes President on January 20.

12/30/16) Next day, Putin declines to retaliate against US, drawing praise from Trump.

1/14/17) Two weeks later, Trump transition team acknowledges Flynn / Kislyak call on December 29 but denies sanction talk.

1/15/17) Next day, Pence doubles down on “no sanctions talk” based on conversation with Flynn. Did he know Flynn was lying? If not, Pence is not part of Trump/Bannon/Kushner/Flynn inner circle, all with ties to Russia. If so, Pence lied.

1/23/17) Acting Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates warns White House General Counsel that Flynn vulnerable to Russian blackmail.

1/30/17) Sally Yates fired by Trump for not enforcing Travel Ban, but also likely because of knowledge of Flynn compromise.

2/10/17) After Washington Post reports nine sources confirming Flynn and Kislyak discussing sanctions in a recorded phone call on December 29, Flynn’s spokesman admits while he “had no recollection of discussing sanctions, he couldn’t be certain that the topic never came up”.

2/13/17) Flynn resigns. Trump wanted to keep him on, likely because he is integral to the Trump/Bannon/Kushner/Flynn group with ties to Russia. Pence seems to have been a key to removing Flynn.

2/14/17) Pence would become President if Trump leaves office, either voluntarily or by impeachment

Trump and GOP now using Flynn as scapegoat, and Jason Chaffetz, House Oversight Committee Chair, is stonewalling against further investigation, congressional or otherwise, into Flynn’s agenda with Russia.

Mainstream media and politicians have to tiptoe around implicating Trump and his knowledge of, and presumed authority over Flynn’s entreaties to Russia, because evidence is still circumstantial with no recordings or transcripts released.

Suffice to say, Michael Moore bluntly states:



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