Introducing The New Look of Brick!

Gavin Tan
Brick — Financial API
3 min readMay 4, 2021

May 2021 marks as the start of something new for us. The Brick team is happy to announce our new logo and brand identity to all of our friends and colleagues!

Back in 2019 when we first started to introduce Brick to the world, we were aiming for something strong as an opening. With the Brick-like icon accompanied by the signature orange-colored background, we were trying to convey the message of “Brick as the infrastructure to build amazing fintech services.” While it did manage to create a strong opening, the logo implementation and placement may be too rigid for some platforms. We sometimes also felt that the logo components may not be connected to one another.

The old logo of Brick

In this newly announced logo, we created a much simpler and cohesive version to represent a deeper and stronger meaning of our brand identity. While still retaining the idea of brick-like shape for its icon, the lines around the icon represent multiple connections to third parties. The core emphasizes the core concept of “One Brick to start it all.” This means that with a single, unified Fintech API, Brick is able to connect fintechs with multiple data sources. The meaning itself is a continuous interpretation to what we had in mind when we first announced the old logo of Brick being the core infrastructure for fintechs.

The new look of Brick
The new look of Brick on colored background

Our newly refreshed colors, which consists of orange brick for the icon, represent a youth, playful energy that can be interpreted on how we want to become a part of disruptive changes within the fintech ecosystem. In addition, the orange color has become a signature for us and represents the name ‘Brick’ really well. The other color, which is the dark navy for the brand name acts as a symbol of stability.

The meaning behind the new look

You will be able to see fully of this new logo of ours across platforms over the next few months. Through this new logo, regardless of the type of financial products and technology that you are building, we hope that Brick’s Financial Data API could be a part of your journey to become the core infrastructure for your fintech and by connecting you with multiple data points.

