Write for Us

The Bridge
The Bridge
Published in
1 min readFeb 13, 2021

As one of the main goals of The Bridge, we really wanted to convey the ideas of people to our readers. Therefore The Bridge is encouraging you as to share your writings with us. We hope that any of us, both editorial and the our readers, can learn something new from your ideas and perspectives. The subject of the submission is entirely up to you as long as it covers the socio-political issues alongside foreign affairs. We accept writing in the form of Essays, Ideas, Review or Coverage

Furthermore, the submission must follow these following guidelines:

· Written in either Bahasa Indonesia or English

· Shall cover the socio-political, foreign affairs, or any related issues.

· Submission must consist of 800–2500 words in length and MUST include source, citation, reference and bibliography.

· Submission must go through our editorial for review

· Email your writing to thebridgemgzn@gmail.com; with SUBMISSION as the subject. (Include a short bio and profile to be attached if your writing get published)

As we have a limited human resource to work on this project, you can also be our contributor and help us grow this publication and maintain its continuity. Before you can write for us, you can email us ( thebridgemgzn@gmail.com ) your full name alongside your Medium username with CONTRIBUTOR as the subject. Afterwards, you can start submitting your writing to be reviewed by our editorial.



The Bridge
The Bridge

biweekly e-magazine covering socio-politics and international affairs