multiple crisis on our islands

In times of crisis, we build bridges

Giulia Sala
The Bridge Project
Published in
3 min readMar 16, 2020


When we first started envisioning the future of The Bridge Project, we were well aware of potential struggles and bumps on the path, and we were motivated in turning those challenges into great opportunities to grow and to build even more bridges.

Of course, we were not expecting the turn of events that are affecting our planet at large, and putting at risk not only the process and the outcomes of this project but our overall life. But after the first shock, when the news started spreading around and we slowly adapted to the new normality, we realized that this is not so exceptional after all. This is just life.

The crisis outbreak

The adventures of The Bridge Project were first interrupted on Saturday 23rd February when we were all packing our bags to spend a week in Palermo for the final event of the TandemEurope adventure. [TandemEurope is the program that introduced PUSH to Creative Hub, and created the perfect environment for the loony idea of ​​building a bridge between Sicily and Lesvos to grow.] A late-night email from Mit.Ost. (the organizers) reached all 60 European participants, asking them to not leave their countries because of the spreading of the COVID-19 in Italy. A few hours later another disturbing news came from Greece: a new wave of violence connected to the already difficult situation of migration that impacts Europe’s outskirts.

The Tandem’s Whatsapp message and Anestis’s (Creative Hub) response.

The crisis of the crisis

If the first reaction was to stop every action connected to the further development of the project, the second instinct was, instead, to take this idea even further.

The world is not going in the direction that we want, and there is not much we can do about it, isn’t it? Well, we don’t agree with that!

Maybe we will not be directly involved with the cure of the COVID-19, or we will not sign the peace treaty that will change the course of history, but we are fully in charge of our lives and the way in which we want to proceed with the projects that make as passionate about.

Does it mean that we will continue as nothing has ever happened? Not really, but we are strong and resilient and we knew already that we are growing up in an unpredictable future and we will make the most out of it. Therefore, The Bridge Project is de-touring, is taking another way, is adapting to the new situation and is not stopping here.

The de-toured Bridge

Our meetings and workshops will be moved to new online locations, where everyone can take part to the discussion and learn in the process how to deal with unexpected situations — like a quarantine — while we will reinforce the communication on our social networks to foster the reach of our outcomes and prepare ourselves to raise even stronger once the situation will reach a new-normality.

Because this is the point: every situation, event, struggle or joy, bring with it a new turning point in our personal and collective story. Nothing will return “as it was before”, because we are not the same person we were before. The sooner we embrace the idea that change is the constant in our life, the better we will positively act in response to it.

This is one of the messages of The Bridge Project, allowing ourselves and everyone around us to dream big and be bold no matter what is happening around because only ideas that were once considered radicals or utopians are the ones that made the difference. Half of the success of those ideas is also connected with the community that created and supported, and this is what The Bridge does, it connects great individuals that will work on developing all the skills necessary to co-create a great project that can innovate the way in which we live.

Just like a bridge that connects two Mediterranean islands 2000km apart from each other.

Do you still think that is a crazy idea? Follow us and check for yourself!

