User experience is also a success metric for your solution

Joseph Emmi
The Bridge
Published in
2 min readJun 13, 2018


There are plenty of ways to measure the impact, success and obtained benefits from a project, however, in the majority of the cases, these tend to be focused mainly on two aspects, money and efficiency. Basically, is the new solution saving money in any capacity and making things faster?

However, there is one key element that, even when mentioned, it is not always considered a driver, nor a success metric, and that is the users’ experience.

Are any of the changes or improvements going to have a direct impact for the better in the overall experience of a user regarding a specific task or an entire process? In other words, is not only about making things faster, but to make them better or easier, for example.

It is about finding the middle ground between the business and the users’ needs, not only seeing things through the lens of cost and efficiency, but to also consider that people could feel better at their job; and by consequences do one better one too.

Because in the end, that task that takes 30 minutes a day or 18 days a year, is not only a number aimed to be reduced, it is also a meaningless time-consuming activity that someone hates to do.

This article is part of my #100DayProject #100DaysofWriting — Day 72 of 100



Joseph Emmi
The Bridge

Technology + Business + Design + Entrepreneurship