Your Weekend Plans — right here on Brigge!

Do More Be More
Published in
3 min readAug 4, 2016

First up, Kabali fans get together!! A bunch of people have plans to watch the late night show of Kabali tomorrow (Friday) at Sathyam. So, if you haven’t watched it yet — join in! And if you already have — wait, who watches a Rajnikanth movie just once?!

And if desi movies aren’t your thing (too cool for Rajni, are ya?) the Movie Watchers are meeting up to watch Suicide Squad at IMAX on Saturday afternoon!

For those of you who want to do something more exciting, like waking up at 4:00 am and going for a 15 km run on a Saturday morning — you’re in luck! The Running Enthusiasts of Kodambakkam are meeting on Arcot road at 4:45 am on Saturday for — you guessed it — running 15 kms. (Seriously man — there should be prizes for activists like these)

Run you Lolas!!!

So, late night movie, then early morning jog followed by another movie — seems like one busy weekend — but wait, there’s more!

The Street Cricketers are getting their game on on Sunday evening at 4:00 pm at RA Puram, 1st main road (or any other street — there’s no dearth of them here).

Photo credit: <a href=”">Abdullah AL-Naser</a> via <a href=”">Visual Hunt</a> / <a href=”">CC BY</a>

So movies, running, cricket — but wait — we also have something for all you geeks! (We mean that in a nice way — remember, this app wouldn’t exist without a bunch of geeks). The SSN College of Engineering is holding a cubing competition on Friday at 9 AM. If you’ve ever participated in a WCA event — you know exactly what we’re talking about. Even if you haven’t — if you’re any good with numbers, you should check it out!

Have something you wanna do this weekend? Go trekking? Long bike ride? Clubbing? Create an activity on Brigge and find company for a kickass weekend! Hope you have a fun one!

To join these awesome activities, download Brigge here.

