Baby American Alligator

It’s Baby Gator Time at Briggs

Robert Schultheis
The Briggs Blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 2, 2016


We have been noticing 7 baby gators who were born to Smiley, our resident gator, on the big pond at Briggs.

Two baby alligators right near the boardwalk close to the overlook. Notice the yellow stripes.

Baby alligators, when born, are usually 6–8 inches in length. They grow about one foot a year for the first five or so years, although each year’s growth rate is not exactly the same. At about five years or so, they lose their stripes because they no longer need the camouflage.

When small, baby gators eat small prey such as crickets, insects, spiders, lizards, crustaceans, frogs, and fish, if they can catch any. When gators get mature, they can take down small and large mammals, birds, and even feral pigs and white-tailed deer.

Mom, who we call Smiley, is almost always nearby to her babies. It pays not to approach baby gators too closely and make mom worried. If you do, you will not be pleased with her reaction.

Never feed alligators, or any wild animal for that matter, because then you become a source for food.

Smiley keeping watch as we look at her babies.

Mommy gators are rare reptiles because they raise and protect their young from eggs to about two or three years of age. Then it’s “find yourself another home.” Most reptiles lay their eggs, and leave their survival to chance.

Female gators try to protect the eggs from snakes, raccoons, and other predators and to protect the babies from snapping turtles, large fish, snakes, and especially male gators.

Gators have big nostrils that let them breath while the rest of the animal is underwater. While they have webbed feet, their main means of propulsion are their tails.

Smiley cruising the big pond at the overlook. You just might hear the scary music from the movie Jaws as she glides by!!!

I took the picture below to get another picture of Smiley cruising, but now I just think the scene is beautiful.

Smiley on a beautiful, warm, sunny day.

But gators can lurk in marshy areas, too.

Smiley hiding with her babies in marsh about 10 feet from boardwalk.

Gators have been the top predator in the Everglades — until now. Burmese pythons are competing with them for the top spot. They both are preying on each other. Typically, it is the biggest who wins.

This March (2016) we observed a large male alligator perform the mating ritual. To see it performed and learn more about it, Google “alligator mating ritual” for links to videos of the male mating “dance.” Here is one site to check out:

A male alligator performing the mating ritual no doubt for Smiley

You can also see baby alligators in the Dalton Discovery Center on the main campus of the Conservancy of Southwest Florida.

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