Let’s Play a Better WFH Bingo Game

Let’s challenge one another with a positive WFH game. Play “Remote Meetings BINGO: The Trust-Centered Edition”

Have you been playing “Conference Call Bingo” or “Virtual Meeting Bingo” as your new WFH game?

We’ve been seeing these types of bad meeting bingo cards popping up around the internet and social media spheres these past couple weeks, and they’re making us cringe.

As many organizations have rapidly shifted to remote, there is an incredible opportunity to disrupt the lore and status quo of bad meeting culture. Rather than continuing with what we’ve always done, we can reinvent the default as we settle into the digital world. We can make meetings better as we go remote. And frankly, we need to — especially in these uncertain times where workforces have been scattered and are needing to bring out the best in their people so they can move forward.

Meeting Madness

Bad meetings invite us to disengage, to check out, to avoid responsibility, to make excuses, to be distracted, to be bored, to feel disconnected, to flex power and status, to be compliant, and to waste our precious time and that of others. These types of experiences erode trust.

So why have bad meetings followed us to the virtual world? Because it’s easier to keep on keeping on than to choose to make something different, to make something better.

Let’s Make Meetings Better

We want to invite you to do the hard and much needed work of making meetings better, of choosing a different way forward. We want to invite you to step up to the challenge of designing virtual meetings that create productive forward motion where participants feel seen, heard and included, where people are eager to participate, where people feel safe, where people connect, converse and collaborate, where people innovate, where people have fun. These types of experiences build trust.

Play Remote Meeting Bingo: The Trust-Centered Edition

We’ve developed a new version of the notorious virtual meeting bingo game. We’ve called it, “Remote Meeting Bingo: The Trust-Centered Edition.” You’ll notice there’s no free middle square in our edition of the game. That’s because good meetings require effort!

We want to invite you to play and challenge your colleagues to play so that, together, we can make remote meetings meaningful. Collectively, we can choose to reset the meeting status quo and transform remote meetings into welcome opportunities that foster human connection and enable us to do our best work. We desperately need both right now.

Get your Remote Meeting Bingo: The Trust-Centered Edition card.

P.S. Want to learn the practical, Trust-Centered skills that will help you lead better remote meetings? We can help.

BINGO card for Remote Meeting BINGO: The Trust-Centered Edition by The Brightspot Trust



Lisa Lambert, Co-Founder & Co-CEO, Spotlight Trust
Spotlight Trust: In Trust

I help organizations and leaders develop practical skills to earn, extend, strengthen, and restore trust.