More than just cakes

Teresa Leonor
The Broken Pie
Published in
2 min readJan 24, 2017

I met Ana in a workshop and I was curious when she mentioned she baked cakes which had a relationship with nature. Well, as her blog slogan says, they are rustic cakes inspired by nature. She studied Psychology, quite far from the kitchen, but ironically baking cakes started as a therapy to her! When she understood she liked it, testing and experiences soon brought Bakewell to life.

“I make cakes for people who love eating cake, not just because they are an element of a party”. As she explains, people who go for her cakes “care about the quality and origin of the ingredients. I only use free range eggs and I make everything from scratch. I think that people who like my cakes also identify themselves with my philosophy and caring”.

Since we also eat with our eyes, decoration plays a big part in the process. Some people have specific requests, wether about colour or flavours, others let Ana do what she feels like in the moment. But the principle maintains: “nature is my biggest inspiration! I use mainly flowers and natural elements, according to the season”. In her everyday meals, Ana creates beautiful colorful dishes as well. “I like to eat the rainbow and make my bowl to be the richest it can be nutritionally, to avoid the lack of anything my body needs”.

Being connected to Nature and caring about what she eats came from led her to create her own organic garden. “I’m lucky to live in a house with a big land. I’ve never used additives, pesticides, anything. What land gives me is what I get. If it has a snail or a slug in my cabbage, so be it. But I would never adulterate anything”.

Credits: Dulce Daniel

It’s interesting to see that, most of the time, some of our first memories create roots in us. “When I was a kid I loved to bake cakes with my mom. My favorites were orange log cake and yogurt cake. And with my grandmother my all time favorite crème brûlée. It was something within our family”. Now Ana turns her memories into good moments for other too, in the shape of beautiful naturally designed cakes.

