Artist Spotlight: Elijah The Boy

Michael Hamlett Jr.
The Bronx Magazine
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2017

Our Artist Spotlight series continues with Elijah the Boy. If you haven’t heard of him, you probably haven’t been paying attention. The Puerto Rican rapper from Hunts Point is buzzing, and with over 300,000 youtube views of his remix of the classic “Still Not A Player,” it’s only a matter of time before his music is getting major airplay. Check out our Q&A with Elijah, and listen to our favorite track from him, entitled “Fake Love”. You can also view the music video to “Don’t Wanna Be In Love” below and at TheBronx.TV

What part of the Bronx are you from? Where did you grow up?

I was born and raised in Hunts Point.

How has living in the Bronx inspired or influenced your work?

Being from south Bronx it definitely taught me from an early age that life is full of struggles and nothing comes easy. It made me want better for myself and allowed me to have the ambition to strive for better. It also keeps me humble.

What’s your creative process?

When I write music I just let the beat play and I freestyle the first two bars. The hardest part for me is starting the song but once I got the first couple of lines, I’m good. I also like to write in the dark.

What ideas, if any, do you want to inspire with your art?

All I want to do with my music is inspire others and make them see that dreams is possible if you really work for it. Where I’m from a lot of people just get comfortable and then end up getting stuck. I never wanted to be that way.

Any plans/dreams in the works you could give a little preview of?

I plan on releasing a mixtape/EP and then going on tour and experiencing new places and people.

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