My Tips to Balancing College Life in NYC

Sydney Boryga
The Bronx Magazine
Published in
4 min readFeb 10, 2017

Being a college student, especially in New York City, can be challenging. Between classes, homework, bills, relationships, work, and family life, learning how to balance it all in this fast city can be overwhelming. As a junior in college myself, I’m here to share my tips on finding a healthy and productive balance in your lives.
Some background information on me: I am a Media Communications major at Lehman College. I am blessed to live within walking distance of my college, but that still doesn’t mean it’s easy sometimes! I go to school four days a week, work two restaurant jobs, participate on my school’s newspaper, and try to squeeze in a gym routine/relationship/chores/social life. I went from being a disorganized, constantly stressed student to getting my life together! Read a few of these simple tips that changed my life in a big way:

1). I write everything down. I find this to be extremely helpful for forgetful people such as myself. Seriously, I cannot stress how much a little $7 planner changed my life. Buy one, or use a little notebook, and make it your best friend. Highlight, mark it, color-code if you must (I find it easier to associate things with colors). For those who might not want to buy a planner, use the “Reminders” feature on your iPhone, or any type of “tasks” feature on your phone. Have an assignment due at midnight online? Set a reminder. Doctor’s appointment next week? Set a reminder. You’ll be surprised how easy it is to forget those things. Once I saw a reminder pop up on my phone, I got up and did whatever it was I needed to do. Do that task as soon as you remember it! It’s so much easier to get things done at that moment than to say “I’ll do it later” and possibly end up forgetting.

2). Wake up with a plan. Every night, mentally go over your checklist and know what’s coming up the next day or throughout the week. You’ll be better prepared to take on your tasks.

3). Let’s face it, most college students aren’t ballin’ in this day and age. Do you still find yourself short on money despite having a job? Analyze your spending habits, and cut down if necessary. Think about that $4-$5 coffee you buy every day before class. It definitely adds up at the end of the week! Invest in instant coffee and to-go coffee cups and bring coffee from home. Prepare your meals the night before, and bring lunch from home. Most college campuses offer unhealthy food anyway. You will save so much money, I promise. Another rule I live by is living within my means. Let’s say I have a phone bill coming up. That’s $50-$70 right there. I’m not going to blow half of my paycheck on clothes, makeup, food, etc. yet. Pay your bills/necessities first, and then use the leftover money for fun.

4). Since we’re on the topic of money, I highly encourage every college student to open a savings account. Even putting away the slightest amount of money will add up eventually. Plus, it feels really good to see your money grow! I used to be a compulsive spender, but ever since I opened a savings account, I actually look forward to putting money away. It’s always a great sense of relief to have money in case of emergencies. Life definitely happens sometimes.

5). Don’t forget to pencil in some time for your friends/family/significant other. College life can be demanding and time-consuming, but that doesn’t mean that your friends and loved ones have to be put on the backburner. Spending time with your friends, doing fun activities, or just hanging out at home is good for your mental health. If you and your significant other both have busy schedules, try to work out one or two days a week where you’re both free to spend some time with each other, and stick to it. It’ll give you something to look forward to in your week, plus keep your connection strong.

All of these tips vastly improved my life, organization skills, and helped me manage my stress. Trust me, I was always flustered and all over the place before! Hopefully now that I’ve shared my experiences, I hope I can help another college student who is trying to get their life together as well.

Remember, stress is a part of life. We’re all growing up and learning still. I can assure you that not even adults have it all together either. Living in New York City, we have to hustle and bustle to get to where we want. Stay focused, don’t get discouraged, and keep grinding for that degree!

*The opinions and ideas expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the opinions of The Bronx Brand*

Originally published at on February 10, 2017.

