The Medinet Habu Friezes

James Thomas
Published in
3 min readAug 5, 2011

The Egyptians who carved these incredible scenes new their adversaries and new them so well that there is not a race amongst these scenes that you cannot clearly identify.

The sculptors went to painstaking lengths to clearly identify each and every peoples involved in the conflicts and what these scenes must have looked like when newly completed would have been walls ablaze with colour.

Here are some of the fragments which illustrated which show clearly what I am trying to say.

In Figure.1. We can clearly see the individual second from last with Hittite swept back and long hair style and yet wearing only a Libyan cloak and groin protection.

Figure.1. Captives — scene .1.

In figure.2. We can clearly see a Hittite captive leading the group of prisoners among them a Libyan and Levantine as well as Canaanite and possibly Israelite captive — all clearly identifiable by their national attire and strong facial characteristics.

Figure.2. Captives — Scene.2.

In figure.3. We can observe a Libyan leading a possible Canaanite followed by a Hittite a Sea Peoples captive and lastly a Levantine captive.

Figure.3. Captives — Scene.3.

In figure 4 we are treated to a selection of a Libyan and possible Canaanite followed by two Levantine captives and an interesting character whom some have identified as a Sea Peoples Leader though unusual and definitely unique in his head adornment by no means a certainty, though if later proven would give us yet further insight as to what style of clothing and armour, If this is some kind of helmet as to what and from where the Sea Peoples cam from. It has be mentioned by H.R.Hall that the last captive bears close resemblance to the Zakaray of Aegean origin and thus to the individuals in figures.4b. and .4c.

Figure.4a. Captives — Scene.4.

Figure.4b.The Zacharay (Aegeans?) of the 12th century B.C. : (THEBES).

Figure.4C.Possible Se Peoples/ Philistine captive Leader.

