Moments: Easy, Boys…

Caroline L. Konigsfeldt
The Brooklyn Ink
Published in
1 min readSep 29, 2016

“Hey sexy, you want some of this?” he yells at her, as she walks by.

She stops immediately, pausing for a moment — as if she was counting to three considering how to react — before she turns to face the man harassing her.

In front of her stand four middle-aged construction workers, who have all paused their work to stare at her. They are wearing red helmets and worn grey t-shirts that are covered in dirt and sweat.

“You’re disgusting,” she says with a raised voice and intense look in her eyes. “How do you think your daughter, who is probably way older than me, likes her father assaulting young girls like that? You should be so ashamed of yourself.”

The construction workers look surprised and unprepared for the young woman to talk back to them. They have no immediate response to her, and for a moment there is silence as she stares angrily at them.

She looks satisfied. She turns around, swinging her long blonde hair and straightening her back just a little more.

The construction workers’ eyes follow her as she walks away from them. Then they start to laugh, whistle and mumble harassing comments at her.

She keeps walking.

“You’re rude, baby girl,” says one of the men. “You shouldn’t react to compliments like that. Shame on you.”

She turns around. They become quiet again. They look like they are waiting for her to say something, but she doesn’t. She just looks at him, narrowing her eyes and bringing her forehead down a bit.

