When Women Speak

The Conversations Around Kavanaugh

The Brooklyn Ink
Published in
2 min readSep 25, 2018


Eight days ago, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford spoke out publicly against Brett Kavanaugh, saying that President Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court sexually assaulted her in the early 1980’s. The allegations sparked a political storm in Washington. But Dr. Ford’s allegations have also ignited a broad public conversation about men, women, and power in the United States today.

The Brooklyn Ink set out to capture that conversation. We talked to professional women, experts in their fields, and asked if steps forward for women’s equality were lasting, or subject to rollback? We looked at the big data picture, searching for numbers that shed light on this watershed moment.

And on the streets of Brooklyn we asked, do men listen to you?

Whether Kavanaugh is confirmed to the Supreme Court or not, the prospect of Dr. Ford’s hearing has brought the gender equality conversation to kitchen tables, sidewalks and workplaces across New York. At this historic moment, three decades after Anita Hill’s grilling, in the year of #MeToo, the Brooklyn Ink asks, What has changed for women in the United States today?

-Emma Vickers

Read the three stories:



The Brooklyn Ink

News source covering the streets of #Brooklyn through the eyes of @ColumbiaJourn staff.