How Women Can Break Down The NFT Knowledge Barrier

Beyond Rarity
Published in
6 min readJan 28, 2022

There’s a new mother’s group in town

Photo: Think A / Shutterstock

Do you remember as a new parent when literally everything was new? You were scrambling to figure out what the baby’s cries meant, or how best to position the baby for those first feeds.

Information, much of it conflicting ….came…from….everywhere!!!

You’re well beyond that, but still, there’s things you want to know about in and out of motherhood, but it’s so hard to figure out what to follow.

For instance, consider the onslaught of mentions about Cryptocurrency and NFT’s.

Lots of articles, but not necessarily helpful.

Like the one I recently read praising the potential of a specific coin, with the primary message that it’s the next great thing for creators.

Tell me more I thought. And they did, sort of. Except it was filled with “insider language” and a final suggestion that began with,

“Understand how cryptocurrency works.” Followed by,” Start by learning about Bitcoin and Ethereum.”


Huh? And there it was, the ultimate frustration…an offhand suggestion without any resources or links.

So, doing what comes naturally, I turned to someone I thought might know, a businesswoman in the IT consulting world.

They’re smart, they’re savvy and they’re in the know. I asked her about the coin and this was their response.

I wouldn’t invest unless you know someone at the company or who is running it, but that’s just me. There’s lots of new coins out there every day and unless I know the players in the company I don’t necessarily invest, especially if it’s not on a major exchange”.

Good advice and ….it pointed out the need for more connections …

…. Of people I could get to know, trust, and learn from.

Yes, Learning Can Feel Like Play, With the Right People

This gaping hole of an inner circle of people with the necessary knowledge reminds me of when my kids were babies. I’d moved to a new community and was only just, slowly meeting people.

The day I received an invitation to a mother’s group was the start of a motherhood and career lifeline.

Photo: Oksana Shufrych / Shutterstock

A small group of women with diverse backgrounds including health professionals, creatives, entrepreneurs, educators, and writers. Feeding our intellect, sharing resources, and laughing and learning along the way.

We jokingly called it “play group”, like it was for the kids. Really, it was a touchstone to the world beyond mothering.

Meeting those women, developing friendships felt a lot like winning the lottery.

They became my go to group for so many things. It was a micro-community of support and information sharing.

There’s a New Mother’s Group in Town

Fast forward and the knowledge needs for parenting continue, along with all the new topics that have arisen in the last few years. Which is why the need to find “your people” is as important as ever.

Welcome to Wall Street Fam, the place for working parents who are ready to join in on topics old and new and embrace the many faces of what it is to be a mom or dad in 2022.

Since we’re technology wizards with an artistic flair, we believe that the best way to capture the unique essences of 2022 mothers is through an art collection. 10,000 unique pieces, to be exact, that reflect your experiences of motherhood.

Illustration: Wall Street Fam

Because, you know, a picture is worth a thousand words. Think….

…..The Mona Lisa and So Much More

Okay, we’re not aiming for the Mona Lisa, unless that cryptic smile embodies your relief of your little ones finally asleep after the 10th bedtime story.

But we do want you to weigh in on the elements of your life.

As you navigate the daily reality of your parent job, along with all your other roles, what would you like to see in the collection? From what you’re wearing –say courthouse robes, to what you’re holding — tablet with recipe?, to your expression…. (We know about the look that can stop a child in their tracks.)

Illustration: Wall Street Fam

There’s as many options as there are roles that you play. Tell us, help us create a collection that is truly…you.

So that other mothers, at a glance, see their world reflected back to them.

How does this magic happen?

It’s a cool process created by the fusion of thousands of individually hand-drawn elements and a proprietary generative engine.

Video: Wall Street Fam

We tried it first with the Wall Street Dads. If you’re curious, here’s a link for you to check it out.

Your input is crucial to getting it right. We’re in the process of creating them right now and we want to make sure you get a say and a voice in what goes in this collection.

And this is just the start.

Forget Google, Join the NFT & Crypto Curious Conversation

Yes, technology gives you more research options than ever but…

….. you know that if you can get a half hour of uninterrupted time, with enough brain power left to consume information, you’re sure as sh** not going down the Google rabbit hole.

Nor do you need to.

Wall Street Moms and Dads is a community of smart savvy parents, like you. People ready to learn, grow and put into action their desire to couple money growth with community good.

Illustration: Wall Street Fam

There’s a growing demand by people who are moving away from the way things have always been done.

And yes, there’s a lot of new terminology, but it doesn’t have to be intimidating or overwhelming. In fact, there’s a principle and a program related to reducing both, it’s called DAO.

Something we’ll cover in a resource vault for members down the road.

We’ll also share the opportunities for collaboration and shared goals that create effective communities.

WSM — A Good Gateway to A Great Group

Regardless of where you are on your NFT journey, we want you to feel welcome. Just like that “playgroup” of yesteryear, WSM will be a source of learning and fun!

From weekly calls to discuss the latest NFT news to real conversations about the ups and downs of parenthood.

This can be the lifeline you’ve been looking for.

But first, we need you to join the conversation.

When you connect with us on Twitter, you can share your experiences of motherhood, the things you care about, your thoughts about work/life balance and more. Then, as we build this community, we come to know you and what matters to you.

The days of old, in which money was directed by a closed silo of decision makers is coming to an end. As it does, you can be at the forefront of change for you, your family, and the world.

Don’t waste any more time trying to find the people and the information you want.

Help to make Wall Street Moms worthy of you and all the other moms scrambling to find correct, understandable information, in the least amount of time.

We know we’re better together. Join the conversation on Twitter and get in on creating The Wall Street Mom’s art collection now!

Check out for more information on the project, follow us on Twitter for the latest. You can also view the first 3,000 Wall Street Dads at OpenSea.



Beyond Rarity

Creating a new level of control over NFT Rarity, Ranking, and Valuation for both creators and collectors. Learn more at