BeyondRarity’s New Project Uniqueness Rating (PUR)

Beyond Rarity
Published in
2 min readMay 3, 2022

A new way to assess variability of NFTs relative to each other within a collection

Source: BeyondRarity

BeyondRarity’s newest superpower lets you quickly get a sense of the variety within a given project at a glance.

Why did we create PUR?

Usually the first examples and sneak peeks released from a collection are the highlights, the custom made examples and legendaries, the ones that are shiny and perfect for marketing.

But what about the lower end ones, the NFTs that make up the bulk of a collection all the way down to the lowest ranked thousands?

In collections with fewer trait variety, it can be hard to visually differentiate one from another down in the low end. When a collection has thousands of NFTs, but only a few dozen options per trait, repetition ensues. The situation gets worse when a significant number of options are reserved for rare instances.

In the example below (and with all due respect to our Bored Ape Overlords), lower ranked individuals are separated by only a few trait differences.

Source: Bored Ape Yacht Club

So we created the PUR metric, to compliment our growing list of features, that at a glance can give you a sense of the diversity within the collection.

At the moment, PUR is based on metadata — the number of traits and the number of options within an entire project.

Source: BeyondRarity

It is an evolving metric for an ever-evolving space, as we refine and look to add new criteria such as visual analysis. Because metadata isn’t everything, and ultimately it’s our own emotional and human sentiment, both from the community and the creators, that determines value.

The Project Uniqueness Rating is featured at the top for every project, and there’s one for the 1000+ projects on BR and growing.

Source: BeyondRarity

BeyondRarity’s more nuanced analysis of ranking

To learn more about how BeyondRarity’s unique features integrate human sentiment into its ranking scores, check out A Hodlrs Guide to True NFT Rarity, a completely new reframing of what rarity should mean and an overview of BR’s unique features.



Beyond Rarity

Creating a new level of control over NFT Rarity, Ranking, and Valuation for both creators and collectors. Learn more at