Wall St Fam Lore, Part 2. . .

At the beginning of this year, we at Wall St Fam presented a unique contest to hodlrs in our community.

Beyond Rarity
8 min readMar 28, 2022


It was the opportunity for them to gather around and share stories about themselves, their tokens, and ambitions for the future.

This sharing of these stories has been dubbed, and will hereon be referred to as, Wall St Fam Lore.

In short, the group of extraordinary Dads found themselves as winners of tickets to Super Bowl LVI (that’s the SB that just happened for the uninitiated) and thereafter found themselves on a journey to the historical sport ball competition.

The following are their stories told in their words. You have arrived at Part 2. Each of the Dads have been called to assemble.

Before you continue, I need you to suspend your disbelief. I’m one hundred percent sure much of this won’t make sense. But I’m also one hundred percent positive that this will be pure, unadulterated entertainment for you.

Let’s get into it.

Bud. The High School Stud That Cashed In. (@LexiTalionis1)

Bud could be heard across the house, (probably the whole neighborhood) proclaiming maniacally “I’m going to the Super Bowl! I’m going to the Super Bowl! AhhhhHAHAHA! WoooOooOoO!”

His whole family appeared outside the bathroom door looking for answers to the gleeful mayhem coming from inside it.

Bud burst out, and started squeezing people.

“What’s this I hear about the Bowl, Hun? Did you dislodge another epic log again, all on your own?”

“No, TwoTooth Tommy picked ME as his plus one for a Dads only Super Bowl trip that he won in some contest! I can’t believe it! I’m going to the Super Bowl!!” He beamed sweatily.

LaQueefa, his chimp threw her arms up as she turned and scuttled down the hall with a sassy exclamation nobody understands.

“Oh, how exciting….but isn’t that in California this year?”, asked Bud’s wife.

“Yes! Two Tooth, my old hockey buddy, lives in Las Vegas, and the all-expense-paid vacation starts from there. I just have to get there and back by myself.”

“Who’s going to watch the kids and LaQueefa while you’re gone, Bud?”

“Uhhhhhh…..Don’t worry. I’ll make sure everyone is taken cared of while you’re workin’.”

Bud ran to Costco and bought a full week’s worth of everyone’s favorite foods, and called in his sister to spend a few days with her favorite siblings.

She smells weird and talks too loud. The kids love her though and she owes him a favor.

During his next bathroom visit, and internet usage, Bud booked himself a bargain ticket to LAS, and did a little more WOOTfull celebrating.

Michael. The Construction Worker. (@RazvanEncuna).

Since Mike acquired his newly found wealth, he’s spent an annoyingly ton of time with his wife who is, quite frankly, over it. And she needs some time alone from all of the celebrations. She devised a plan.

Thankfully, Michael is a football fan and the final is coming soon. She and Michael’s boss plotted to give Michael a Super Bowl ticket, but in the form of contest winnings.

They sent an email to the Super Bowl Committee, paid for a ticket, and asked them to “gift” it to Michael .

The following morning, a scream from the kitchen woke up the whole family.


His wife, Kate, opened her eyes with a big smile on her face. She knew what’s coming. Peace and quiet for a whole week! She went downstairs pretending like she didn’t know anything about it.

“Michael, what’s going on, you’re gonna wake the kid, stop screaming!”

“Kate, omg I’m so sorry. Look, I just won a ticket to Super Bowl!”

Kate continued her acting. She asked him, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Well you know, the final. I get to see Razvan Encuna at the Halftime Show. And look, VIP! I have everything paid for a week in Vegas!”

Michael was ready to buy the rest of his family tickets as well (what a stand up guy). Kate, however, had different plans. Much different. She sternly reminded him how the rest of the family doesn’t care for football.

Good thing Michael has friends. He calls his boy, Phill, who also knew about Kate’s plan.

“Guess who won a ticket to the Super Bowl!” Phill, who knew the whole story, bought one ticket for himself!

“And guess who’s coming with you to the final?”, Phil asked back.

Garrison. Thanos if he had a black card. (@Peter41850615)

PSA! I, Garrison, have won tickets to Super Bowl LVI, and promptly bought 3 more with my magic Black Card!

This is not an invitation, I need the extra space to exemplify dominance to the other Wall Street Dads! I have the comfort of my own excellence, my wife has her beefcake BF!

DJ Kringle. Cookie Slayer. (@BrandonDesilet1)

Ok, so check this out I was headlining Coachella absolutely killing it. In the middle of my set, the phone rings. I swipe answer and place the sweaty phone to my ear. “DJ Kringle here ho ho.”

“Congratulations you have been selected for our free ticket giveaway,” the other voice answers.

I said, “ticket for what bro.”

“For the Super bowl, my good sir.”

I freeze in excitement for a second. I don’t know if it was the Busch Light or the hot sun but, I blacked out and Gronk-spiked my equipment.

I threw up the double peace signs and walked off the stage in Antonio Brown fashion.

APE DAD. (@NFTpolaroider)

After the 496th call into WSDFM — APE DAD got through and provided the winning answer “Dan Marino.”

What the question was is irrelevant — he just loves Dan Marino.

BOOM! correct answer — APE DAD just won a SUPER BOWL ticket. 1 ticket — no plus one or package deal. . .

APE DAD contemplates for day. Places his film career on hold — that was easy as he just had to make sure he turned off all his self-mounted Go-Pro cameras.

The self-documentary can wait. He talks to his wife and gets the “It’s cool” look and is set. But what about APE BABY? . . .

Esteban (@Michael31188772)

Esteban entered the 50th Annual International Chest Hair Tournament. For the first time in 50 years, the judges called the tournament in the first round after seeing Esteban’s luscious chest locks. What did he win you ask?

Even though the first place prize was a small trophy the judges were so wowed by his amazing performance they awarded him a ticket to the Super Bowl!

He rode his bike straight home walked in the house kissed the kids and the wife then said I’ll be back in a week going to the super bowl with the homies, grabbed his bag then left, like a boss — no questions asked. Viva Las Vegas!

Rajesh. The Monk. (@8hav1n)

To find out how Rajesh ended up in his wife’s bf’s basement in the first place, we need to look back a year ago at the big bang event that changed it all. It was the season of love and Rajesh was going hard crunching the numbers for work.

While working away, Rajesh gets a random email letting him know that he won a super bowl party ticket, that he raffled for, to LA and needs to meet up with the other winners in Vegas by 7pm on February 11th.

Rajesh called the contest company confirming his acceptance of the prize and to make sure it was legit. The Super Bowl was on Feb 13th and Rajesh knew he didn’t have much time.

Rajesh knew his wife wouldn’t be able to tolerate his happiness and needed lie. Quickly.

Mike. Birthday Boy. (@gdubcrypto)

As Mike walked away unscathed from the rocket landing incident, Elon (yes, Elon Musk) and the rest of team congratulated Mike and his entire crew for their historic achievement.

It’s customary, the crew receives a bag of diamonds after unmanned trips (what a job).

One of the crew, without hesitation, shouted, “Let’s go to Mexico!” A celebration must occur, of course.

After all, the border was only a stone’s throw away from the launch facility. So the crew loaded into their cars. And, each still with their bag of diamonds in hand, headed for the border.

Not soon after Mike and the crew made it across the border, he got a call from the radio station. He had won a birthday raffle, with the prize of one free ticket to Super Bowl LVI just a couple weeks away.

Talk about Happy Birthday.

Diaper Master. The Dad on a Mission. (@ DM_NFT_2022)

The tides were monstrous but nothing could stop the determination of a Man who made a promise. Without hesitation, Lionel Shrike conquered the Ocean and landed in Macau to surrender the clues to The Eye.

It is there where he met the young Danny.

Danny Ocean was the youngest member of The Eye:a secret society made up of most skilled magicians from around the world; mentalists, escapists, psychics, hypnotists, card-trickers and mediums.

Their purpose is to steal from the rich and give to the poor (isn’t that Robin Hood?).

When Danny asked if he would join a team he was forming for a major hit in Vegas, Lionel didn’t think twice. Danny then handed him a Super Bowl ticket.

“What is this?”Lionel asked.

“A well deserved afterparty… or a dessert?” answered Danny with a grin

Lionel knew that he didn’t do these heists for the money. It was about craft, dominance, and breaking his records over and over again.

On his way to Vegas, he prayed that his cursed blood will not taint the future of his beloved sons: Salva and Dylan.

Alright! It seems the Dads are heading to Vegas. You guys still with me? Good because they’ve got quite a bit still in store for you. Stay tuned for Part 3.

Until next time.



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