Wall St Fam: Your Call to NFT

You've started a fire. Your urge to be involved in the NFT space has been rumbling deep inside you. And now, that fire rises.

Beyond Rarity
2 min readMar 1, 2022


Photo Credit: Jag_cz on Shutterstock

I want to congratulate you. You’ve finally gotten yourself into the mix. Where the action is at. NFTs. What’s next you ask? Well, I’ll tell you. The next step for you is understanding why you’re here.

We’ve all been in the same boat, rowing along, witnessing first-hand how impactful NFTs can be.

But nothing meaningful and useful has yet been built to serve us as parents.

So, we’ve set out to build a bigger boat. Much Bigger. Beyond the three dotted lines below, you’ll find an expression of that fire we all feel about finally having a project that exists for us, as parents.

Share it with your fellow token holder, share it with someone who’s been on the fence. And internalize this for yourself.


5am. And your hand can’t make it to the alarm clock before the voices in your head start telling you. . . You’re too old, a few more minutes, everyone takes your efforts for granted anyways.

So the mob of voices shout unanimous permission for you to hit the snooze button.

For what is each day but a series of conflicts between keeping your day job or Ape-ing into a new project.

Why should kids have all the fun?

10,000 tokens fan out like a river delta before you. Each one promising you the path to freedom.

People think when you have kids it’s over. “Don’t have the bandwidth.” What? You created that word.

You’re just heating up. You know you can’t cook with cold grease.

You’re in a fight against the naysayers: Some “too big to fail”. Others joke about your impact.

In a world of chaos, your diamond hands perform the unimaginable. Cutting through the noise, caring for loved ones, and getting sh*t done.

Few understand. Few.

Drown out the voices of doubt with the sound of that rocketship firing off.

And believe that voice that says you are ready.

So decide now because these tendies wait for no one.

Wall St Fam



Beyond Rarity

Creating a new level of control over NFT Rarity, Ranking, and Valuation for both creators and collectors. Learn more at https://beyondrarity.com