Becoming a Software Developer

Shehu Tyson Lawal
The BSD Academy
Published in
3 min readApr 19, 2019


BSD is on a mission to give Africa access to technology education. Africa’s jobless youth cast a shadow over its economic growth. Unemployment, underemployment has disrupted the mindset of African Youths. The BSD Academy was conceived as a result of curbing the level of Joblessness in Africa and Nigeria by driving the African Youth in the direction of becoming a Technology Enablers. There are not enough jobs in other sectors but the technology sector is one that constantly complains of not having enough people for its market. The time has come for African countries to view their social and economic challenges as opportunities for scientific advancement. It is also time to use Technology, to address societal challenges. Only through collaborating Technology and Education using a Global Curriculum would this be achievable taking advantage of the youthful population. We hope to advance both technology and society as an integral whole.


Our mission

Is to give every young person access to technology education. Every decision we make is to advance this mission. Learners and trainers will only engage if we are laser-focused on the quality and relevance of our product. Our curriculum uses the latest technology and is directly linked to real-world problems.

Our platform and curriculum are designed to make it simple for everyone to learn Technology and utilize it to the growth of the economy. Our mission is to grant the average African youth to technology-enabled learning. This means that we always have the latest hardware technologies in the office, and our code base curriculum and methods on teaching are built on the most up to date approaches.

We know that some of the most talented people come from unusual backgrounds. We look for ambition, passion and commitment, and don’t require traditional career paths or educations. We are a mission-driven organization that is committed to helping anybody that is in need of a platform like ours.

About BSD

The BSD Academy is a tech academy designed to accelerate the growth of tech talent in Africa by offering free accelerated and immersive courses. This project is designed to fill in the gap for people who are trying to hack it on their own but still want a high-quality education.

Our Beliefs

Africa Education should be free, accessible and world-class at all levels.

Our curriculum itself is free and we hope to link to resources that are themselves free so anyone in the world can use them.

Origin of The BSD Academy

The BSD Academy provides a free technology curriculum that currently focuses on Software Development, Machine Learning and BlockChain Technology. Since it’s inception in 2017, we combine our online curriculum with an offline learning session that assists the learners to have a direct approach to this curriculum and its trainers. It has also helped many learners get hired as developers and has assisted countless others to learn enough programming to work on their own personal projects.

Founded in 2017 by Shehu Tyson Lawal, and cofounded by Eyitayo Alimi.

The BSD Academy’s standards are maintained and continually improved by a team of volunteers, many of whom learned to code with us.

Adetona Shehu Lawal
Eyitayo Ailimi

Open Source

The BSD Academy would not be possible without the hard work of contributors from all across the world. If you’re interested in helping us make our academy better then please find out how to contribute by sending us a mail.

