10 Best Ways to Find an Activity Partner

Faune Salone
The BU
Published in
4 min readMar 2, 2023
Hiking with someone

Are you tired of going to the gym or hiking alone? Or maybe you’ve always wanted to try a new hobby, but your friends just aren’t interested. Whatever the case may be, finding an activity partner can make all the difference in your enjoyment and success in an activity. Here are 10 unique and specific ways to find an activity partner:

  1. Attend a fitness class at a local studio: If you’re into fitness, attending a class at a local studio can be a great way to find a workout buddy. Try a new class or stick to your favorite, and strike up a conversation with someone who looks like they’re on your level.
  2. Join a hiking group: While Meetup groups are great, joining a specific hiking group can help you find someone who shares your passion for the outdoors. Look for a group that matches your skill level and preferred terrain, and you’ll be sure to find someone to hit the trails with.
  3. Join a running club: Similarly, joining a running club can help you find someone to run with regularly. Many clubs offer group runs and training plans, and you’ll meet people who have similar goals as you.
  4. Attend a cooking class or food festival: If you’re a foodie, attending a cooking class or food festival can help you meet people who share your love of all things culinary. Strike up a conversation with someone in line or at a shared table, and you may find a new dining partner.
  5. Join a board game group: If you’re into board games, joining a group that meets regularly to play can help you find a game partner. You’ll meet people who love strategy and competition as much as you do.
Having fun while dancing

More options!

  1. Attend a dance class or social dance event: If you love to dance, attending a dance class or social event can help you find a partner on the dance floor. Try out a new style or stick to what you know, and you’ll find someone who loves to move to the beat.
  2. Join a sports league outside your comfort zone: If you’re looking to try something new, joining a sports league outside your comfort zone can help you find someone who’s learning along with you. Whether it’s a martial arts class or a rock climbing gym, you’ll meet people who are challenging themselves in new ways.
  3. Volunteer for a cause you care about: If you’re passionate about a cause, volunteering can help you meet people who share your values. Look for opportunities to volunteer for events or ongoing projects, and you’ll find someone who cares about making a difference.
  4. Attend a language exchange or conversation group: If you’re learning a new language, attending a language exchange or conversation group can help you find someone to practice with. You’ll meet people who are also working on their language skills, and you’ll learn about new cultures along the way.
  5. Try a niche activity matching app: While not for everyone, there are niche friendship and dating apps that can help you find someone who shares your interests. From Bumble BFF, which focuses on making female friends, to Hily, which matches users based on like interest and the BU, which focuses on suggesting things to do and connects you with an activity partner, there’s an app for almost every interest.

In conclusion, finding an activity partner doesn’t have to be generic or overwhelming. With these unique and specific ideas, you’re sure to find someone who shares your passion and enthusiasm. Don’t be afraid to try something new, and remember that the most important thing is to enjoy yourself and have fun. Good luck!

Interested in more activity suggestions or things to do? How about finding an activity buddy to share the experience? I’ve created something that I think you’ll love!

Check out The BU app, a new AI social event platform that auto-suggests events and activities in your video/image feed to take the pain out of planning. Create events and activities to share experiences with likeminded people. Monetize your local or online activities as a gig all in one place.

I’m currently in Beta Testing for The BU app. Support me on Buymeacoffee, and sign up for Beta Testing for early access and promos for early adopters. Check out the app demo here!



Faune Salone
The BU
Writer for

I'm a tech enthusiast, and have a passion for fun. I write about how to get people out of their homes to make real connections. https://linktr.ee/thebuddyup