How to Make the Most of Your Staycation Healthcare Workers’ Vacation Time

Tara Bedford
The BU
Published in
4 min readSep 29, 2022

Why is it So Important to Make the Most of Your Vacation Time?

Healthcare workers face a lot of stress; significantly more than most occupations. According to a recent survey, healthcare workers were among the most stressed of all, even above retail employees and business owners. Many were even considering changing careers.

To say you deserve a vacation is an understatement.

All healthcare workers should take advantage of their workers’ vacation time, and in this article, we’re going to show you how.

How Can You Beat Nighttime Anxiety While on Vacation?

When you experience a high-stress environment all the time, the anxiety doesn’t just go away on vacation. Some of the best strategies for beating nighttime worries are to:

  • Practice mindfulness
  • Bring familiar items from home
  • Take time to wind down

How to Make the Most of Your Vacation Time

With preparation and the right approach, you really can make the most of your vacation time and return to work feeling refreshed and revitalized. It’s also important to stay present, no matter what you’re doing, and to enjoy each experience as it comes. Try new things, but avoid the urge to overschedule.

Why are Vacation Days the Most Valuable for You?

Remember, your vacation is about taking some downtime, too. As a healthcare worker, you’re probably always on your feet. Savor this opportunity to sit (or lay) down as much as you want.

What You Should Know about Sleep and Staying Well Rested on Vacation

Relaxation is such an important part of the vacation because your rest and sleep are critical. You can probably never catch up on all your lost sleep, but you can take this as an opportunity to not lose anymore. Try not to schedule anything too late into the evening, and if you do, give yourself time to sleep in. Whatever you do, make sure to limit the amount of alcohol and caffeine you choose to partake in.

Sleep Hygiene to Beat Nighttime Anxiety

One of the most effective methods for limiting nighttime anxiety is to prioritize your rest and make sure you’re getting enough sleep. A vacation is a wonderful way to get your sleep back on track. Some tips for improving or maintaining your sleep hygiene are to:

  • Avoid daytime naps
  • Limit your caffeine
  • Create/maintain a nighttime routine

How to Take Care of Yourself During Vacation

You might be having fun on vacation, but are you taking care of yourself? If you neglect your hygiene and physical needs, you’re more likely to return from vacation feeling drained and unfulfilled. These are some of the most effective steps for taking care of yourself, even on the go:

  1. Drink plenty of water
  2. Take time for a digital detox
  3. Eat some healthy foods too

How to Relax, De-Stress, and Get Inspired While on Vacation

Vacation doesn’t have to be all about traveling and sightseeing. You can also use this as a chance to de-stress and just exist. Life as a healthcare worker is difficult and hectic. No one would blame you for wanting to do nothing.

What to Eat Before Bedtime

The food you choose before bed is some of the most influential to your mental health. Some of the best foods for your sleep are:

  • Warm Milk
  • Tart Cherries
  • Lettuce

Tips to Calm Nerves

If you do find yourself feeling anxious or on edge during your vacation, just know that it’s normal. From travel anxiety to the disruption in your routine, vacation is a time of high energy. And, sometimes our brains perceive this as fear. Recognize that your feelings are natural and use these tips to help you feel calmer:

  • Talk with a trusted friend
  • Focus on your breathing and observe your thoughts
  • Try some chamomile tea
  • Book a massage

A Quick Recap

Going on vacation is always a fun and invigorating experience. Healthcare professionals who always find themselves working in highly stressful environments can find them to be anxiety-inducing though. They should still make the most of these times though and enjoy the break while it’s there. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to do so.

What are your favorite tips for staying local during summer break? Share them with us in the comments below!

