How to Start a Professional Modeling Career in 2023: The Ultimate Guide To Freelance Modeling Job

Faune Salone
The BU
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2023

Hey there, gorgeous! Are you ready to kickstart your modeling career? I’m so excited to share with you some insider tips and tricks on how to become a successful freelance model in 2023.

Wait, ok I’m not a model, in fact I’m only 5'1". But, that doesn’t take away from the fact that when I was young, my mother placed my 3 sisters and I with a modeling agency where we had to walk “toe-heel”. That was many, many years ago. Luckily, I left modeling to those you truly desired it! If that is you, you are in for a grind!

First things first, let’s talk about your portfolio. Think of it as your personal brand that showcases your unique style, personality, and skills. You can either hire a professional photographer or grab your friend with a camera to create some stunning photos. Don’t forget to include a variety of outfits, poses, and locations that capture your essence.

Now, let’s find your niche. What kind of modeling are you passionate about? Fashion, commercial, fitness, plus-size, or something else? Embrace what makes you stand out and let your personality shine. By finding your niche, you can tailor your marketing and networking strategy to the right audience.

Speaking of marketing, let’s get your name out there! Create a website, social media profiles, and portfolio on platforms like Model Mayhem or Upwork. Attend fashion events, workshops, and photo shoots to meet other creatives and potential clients. And don’t forget to be professional, reliable, and friendly in your communication.

Remember, taking care of your body and mind is essential for a successful modeling career. Prioritize a healthy lifestyle, good hygiene, and self-care to look and feel your best. Learn different poses, expressions, and techniques to improve your skills and versatility. And most importantly, stay positive, resilient, and confident in yourself.

Finally, keep learning and growing. Take classes, experiment with new styles, and research the latest trends and opportunities in the industry. Set goals, track progress, and celebrate your successes along the way.

I believe in you, boo! With passion, perseverance, and a positive attitude, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. So go out there, rock that camera, and make your modeling dreams come true!

Interested connecting with other aspiring models and attending casting calls together? How about finding a mentor in the field of modeling? I’ve created something that I think you’ll love!

Check out The BU app, an AI-powered social event hub that curates vibrant experiences right on your video/image feed, eliminating the hassle of planning. It’s a platform where you can create, connect, and share experiences with like-minded enthusiasts, while also offering an exciting opportunity to monetize your local or online activities, turning them into rewarding gigs. Plus, The BU App opens avenues to discover mentors and volunteer for activities that bring you joy. All of this in one seamless, engaging platform.

I’m currently in Beta Testing for The BU app. Support me on Buymeacoffee, and sign up for Beta Testing for early access and promos for early adopters. Check out the app demo here!



Faune Salone
The BU
Writer for

I'm a tech enthusiast, and have a passion for fun. I write about how to get people out of their homes to make real connections.