
By Elias P. Mbau

The Standard (21st Nov, 2017)



It is no secret that the world in recent years has witnessed critical moments of disruption. Kenya’s history is laced with examples; from attaining independence in 1963, to an attempted coup in 1982 and so on.

It is important to learn from history; how various events have shaped our present, could be a resource in the way we plan for the future.

Kenya’s modern constitution

the tool that changed the governance of Kenya, whilst exposing Kenyans to a more inclusive economic system for their participation.


Some countries are better able to weather storms than others. The declaration of a winner following the presidential election, and the annulment thereof, are a recipe for a storm. However, because those stripped of their win stood strong and stood for the greater good, Kenyans were offered another chance to exercise their democratic right. Leaders must recognise their responsibility in holding the nation as ‘one indivisible unit’.

James Madison…

“The public good, the real welfare of the great body of the people, is the supreme object to be pursued.”

Hon. Elias P. Mbau (PhD)

Former MP for Maragua Constituency

Public Finance Expert

#thebudgetguru click to tweet


Mbau, E P, Iraya, C. M., Mirie, M., & Njihia, J. M. (2020). An Empirical Study on the Moderating Effect of Public Governance on the Relationship Between Fiscal Decentralization and Performance of County Governments in Kenya. 9(2), 37–58. Retrieved from https://www.scienpress.com/journal_focus.asp?main_id=69&Sub_id=IV&Issue=1645247

Mbau, Elias Peter, Iraya, C., Mwangi, M., & Njihia, J. (2019). An Assessment of the Effect of Fiscal Decentralisation on Performance of County Governments in Kenya. 15(25), 109–129. https://doi.org/10.19044/esj.2019.v15n25p109

