Newer and Betterer in #IMMOOC (Part 3)

Michael Buist
The Buist Babble
Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2017

I’m living in a massive innovation trilogy. My innovator mindset is working overtime. New grade level. New team. A new me. And for this third installment of The Innovator’s Mindset MOOC (#IMMOOC), I’m searching for all the ways I can be newer and betterer.

Instead of rambling on, paragraph after paragraph, I’m using my images and my own thoughts and questions as I read Dave Burgess’s foreword and Couros’ introduction. I won’t use this format the next time, because that wouldn’t be newer and betterer. It will be stale. If I’m not practicing innovation in a course about innovation, then why did I sign up.

I hope these thoughts and questions, spark thoughts and questions of your own. I’d love to hear them and continue the dialogue here or on Twitter or on Facebook or face to face or on any platform that seems to make sense at the time. Heck, let’s even try Snapchat or Instagram as a forum for conversation.



Michael Buist
The Buist Babble

Connector • Creator • Curator • Disruptor • Educator • Facilitator