Changing Your Career Path During the Pandemic

Kristine Marie Axelson
Bungalow Brief
Published in
4 min readJun 5, 2020
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

Making the decision to change the trajectory of your career is never easy — and there is something extra intimidating about the thought of initiating that change during a global Pandemic that has all of us on our toes.

With unemployment numbers soaring throughout the US, it may be the case that you are in the same boat as 20.5 million Americans who lost their jobs during the month of April. Even worse, depending on your industry, your job as you knew it may take years to make a full comeback. This news is unsettling, scary, and leaves more questions than it does answers for those suffering job loss and unemployment.

Though this is the case and should not be taken lightly, I want to provide you with a thought to ponder -

Maybe, an opportunity is arising for you to start a new path for yourself that will leave you happier and more fulfilled than you were before.

If you’re with me and want to consider this narrative, here are 3 steps you can take to dive into your passions and come out of the pandemic (and its after-effects) with a career you love.

Explore What Lights You Up

Have you heard of The Passion Test? It begins with a 7 question assessment to get clarity about your passions and what is important to you. It is meant to narrow down specific segments in your life and gain a new understanding of where to put more or less focus. In short, it helps you figure out your passions.

When thinking of the things that are important to you, what stands out? Are you someone who enjoys fitness and health? Consider getting a personal training certificate. Are you someone who, when given the time, is extremely creative? Consider diving into a graphic design course. Always the one your friends turn to for advice? Consider becoming a mentor. When you are working at your best, your individual skills truly shine. Explore those skills and begin to consider careers that encompass them.

Rid the Judgement

When we choose to make big changes in our lives, including changing careers, it can be hard for those around us to understand and support us (some may even think we’re crazy!) Coronavirus has stress levels heightened and we are all on guard, reacting in the best way we know how to; don’t let that stop you from chasing a new dream or goal. Once you decide on a direction, you will find others who are like-minded and who support you and your ambitions. On online learning platforms like Coursera, there are public forums to discuss any given topic — you’ll find all of the support you need here to get started on your new path.

Most importantly, it’s crucial to never judge yourself or where you are on your journey. You may have dreamed of being a teacher your entire life, but if planning events for your friends and family is what really lights you up, maybe you’d be much happier as a local ‘party extraordinaire’! It’s okay to change careers and to change direction — every step you take in life is simply a stepping stone to becoming your happiest, most fulfilled self. Listen to your intuitions and rid your judgment!

Know That It’s Never Too Late to Make a Change

Did you know that Samuel L. Jackson didn’t get his first big role until he was 43 years young? Stan Lee (the Godfather of Marvel Comics) & the founders of KFC & McDonalds had similar beginnings. We know that humans are adaptable, we can change and pivot as much as our bodies need, to survive. The problem comes within our minds. We are taught at a young age that we are to pick one career path, go to college, become an expert, and work in that field for the rest of our lives. But, we are human — our wants and needs change. Why is it that our careers can’t?

It is the perfect time to find a growth mindset inside of you. Within this way of thinking, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work — brains and talent are just the starting point. More importantly, age is truly nothing but a number!

I’d love for you to make this moment an opportunity, not just for your career aspirations, but for your happiness. Get out there & explore what lights you up, rid your judgment, and know that it’s never too late to discover your perfect career opportunity.

