If you don’t watch this film, you are missing out on the greatest experience in decades.

Milton Rosso
2 min readFeb 27, 2023


What is this? Normally I review new releases, but I have decided, just this once, to review a film that came out a few years ago, a film I think needs more attention that what it got. That of course is “The Worst Person in the World.” A common sentiment is that movies nowadays are no good, but that is just because quality cinema, the ones that pack a real, heart wrenching punch, aren’t backed by a large movie studio and therefore do not get their proper attention until the passage of time delivers it from the deep-cut reality it deserves to escape.

More than ever before people want immediate satisfaction, and it feels as if you can’t tap someone’s shoulder to get their attention, you have to bash them over the head with a big sledgehammer. Consider this review a metaphorical sledgehammer. Of course, not all of use have a force in our life that is so strong that it is equivalent to a knock over the head: we do pretty much whatever we want and if something doesn’t make us feel good in any given moment, we throw it away. (Why do you think people have reading).

One area that is still free of this behavior are romantic relationships… actually, never mind: “The Worst Person in the World” tells the story of a college student by the name of Julie, who is unsure about what she wants to do with her life. Which encapsulates far more than just her career, but every part of her life that comes together to define her and who she is. It’s a film about the joy of self discovery. And as Julie comes to understand the difference between immediate satisfaction and long term success, you might just come out learning more about what it means to be a human.

Julie cheating on her boyfriend at a party

“The Worst Person in the World” is not a great film in the sense that you would want to watch it with your buddies as you eat popcorn and laugh: it’s an experience. Go out and experience it. This is my spoiler free, super dense overview, and my glowing recommendation to watch the film before reading the rest of this review (which I will publish about a week after this review is out).

“The Worst Person in the World” is streaming on Hulu and available for rent on Amazon Prime Video.

Score: 4/4

