Listing a Product

Prince Bhojwani
The Business Corner
2 min readOct 17, 2016

You’ve already gone through the smooth registration process, verified your email, and are looking at the Bubcart Overview page. No what? List a product, of course! Here are some tips to help you list new products on your Bubcart shop.

Bubcart uses a simple, yet elegant design for all shops so that guests focus on shop branding and products more than anything else. Given the extra focus on your product’s photos, we suggest you follow these photo guidelines/tips:

  1. Photo dimensions should be 1:1 and atleast 612px across on both sides. There is no hard limit on the dimensions uploaded, but our design works favorably for those who follow the aforementioned guideline.
  2. There are three separate buttons denoted by camera icons used to select product photos, the left-most will be the thumbnail in your dashboard and primary photo in your shop.
  3. Try to use natural lighting or a light kit with a flattering background/backdrop — white works best in most cases

Listing Details
After selecting your three product pictures, you’ll have to provide some information about your listing:

  1. Name — Choose a name that accurately describes your product and what you’ll be delivering to your customer
  2. Description — Describe the product, it’s condition, and provide any other detail necessary for customers to make an informed decision
  3. Quantity — How many of these products do you have in stock?
  4. Variations — Do you have different sizes, colors, etc? Add them in the variations tab.

There is no golden rule to pricing a product. There are various factors including, but not limited to: market environment, customer buying power, and product type. What you can do is track how your market reacts to changes in various price points and use that information to re-price the rest of your inventory. You have to also know that the customer’s buying power isn’t just restricted by their bank account, but by psychological impulses. Bubcart has noticed a significant difference in conversion rates for shops that feature products that have prices that end in “.99” than those that end in round numbers. After you make a few sales, Learn will provide you with custom tips to help you run your business and pricing is often one of those tips!

Currently, Bubcart offers flat-rate shipping options. This means we are leaving it to you to add a shipping premium to your products, add additional flat-rate shipping charges on products, or offer free shipping. If you want to offer free shipping, please type “0”. We are actively working towards a solution for this pain point and will provide an update when available.

If you have any questions, please email us:

