How to Prepare for GPT-5

AI is getting better at an exponential rate, and traditional product and technology strategies no longer apply.

Kevin Dewalt
Actionable AI
Published in
2 min readMay 23, 2024


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Many of the best practices I’ve learned over the past 30 years are becoming irrelevant.

For example, suppose you’re currently building a solution using the GPT-4 LLM from OpenAI. How should you prepare for GPT-5? Sam Altman provides some suggestions in this 45-second video clip.

The situation Sam describes is not hypothetical — anyone building a solution with GPT-4 risks wasting effort building technology they will soon discard. Bloomberg invested $10M training a customized LLM on their own financial data, only to discover that GPT-4 with no customization worked better. Other teams optimized for OpenAI’s latency, and then discarded this work when Groq released an API that runs 10x faster.

Your AI strategy must consider how fast foundational models are becoming more powerful. In AI Abundance we prepare with a performance framework, a tool for optimizing AI solutions and identifying limitations.

The performance framework measures how well your solution works with current LLMs and identifies areas of underperformance. This systems-level view will help you decide if and where to make optimization investments today, or simply wait for better LLMs.

A basic performance framework is easy to build — I demonstrate one using a spreadsheet in Prolego’s AI Abundance workshops. They’re free, sign up for one today.


p.s. I can understand why you don’t want to sign up for another virtual workshop — 99.9% of them are utter garbage and a waste of your time.

Mine are different. I invest a ton of time preparing content, demos and practicing to create value for you. Sign up for a free AI workshop today — we record them, so you can watch it later if you can’t make the live event.



Kevin Dewalt
Actionable AI

Founder of Prolego. Building the next generation of Enterprise AGI.