I failed. Time for a new approach.

Kevin Dewalt
Actionable AI


Companies are not deploying AI. They’re just not.

This is a hard pill to swallow. I’ve been helping companies get started with AI for 8 years through books, blog posts, videos, webinars, workshops, coaching sessions, and projects. It isn’t working, and I know why.

AI is the most significant human invention since writing, but LLMs still aren’t good enough to solve most business problems. Companies are creating value with them, but it is selective. Dealing with complex documents, decisions, or structured data — characteristics of most business problems — is just too hard.

This is changing VERY fast … and that’s the problem. Companies won’t invest in solving high-impact problems today when it will be cheaper and easier in a few months. Moreover, they don’t see an approach to leverage AI investments for broader impact and longer duration.

In short, companies are not adopting AI for two reasons:

  1. They don’t know where to start.
  2. The don’t know how to scale.

However, some companies like Vericant (how to start) and ServiceNow (how to scale) are doing it. Our new mission at Prolego is to show any company how to do it.

We’re going to help any company get started and scale AI for a fraction of the cost.

We’re calling this new approach AI Abundance and have started using it on a few projects. I just finished the first video on AI Abundance, explaining the 3 principles:

  1. Invest selectively where AI is already proving value.
  2. Create scalable capabilities before solutions.
  3. Tackle hard problems with tomorrow’s AI.

We have a five-step approach for getting started. If you want to learn more about it, please join me at an upcoming AI Abundance Webinar.

Pick a slot and join me at a free AI Abundance workshop.

You will learn why your company is stuck and what to do about it.



Kevin Dewalt
Actionable AI

Founder of Prolego. Building the next generation of Enterprise AGI.