Perfectionism is Fear

Kevin Dewalt
Actionable AI
Published in
3 min readJul 12, 2017

You’ll never finish researching your startup idea.
You’ll never be ready to call your dream customer.
The best day to pitch investors will never arrive.

There is always a better startup deal.
You’ll never stop doing due diligence on your favorite founder.
The market will always be more favorable later.

Your blog post can always use more editing.
Your book can always use another revision.
The landing page copy can always be more compelling.

You’ll always have another logo idea.
You’ll find a better URL if you never stop searching.
The landing page could always be more responsive.

There is always another feature.
Your test coverage can always be more complete.
Your code can always be refactored.

The best time to ask her on a date will never arrive.
Tomorrow is always a better day to ask for a raise.
You’ll never be thin enough to go to the beach.

Your perfectionism is holding you back because there is never a perfect time to do anything. You tell yourself you have high standards —and you do — but you’re failing to act because you are afraid.

Afraid your startup idea isn’t very good. Afraid you’ll lose your money. Afraid he’ll say no. Afraid nobody will read your book. Afraid customers won’t use your product. Afraid you’ll never find a better job.

You’re going to lose to someone else — someone without your talents and drive — because he chooses to act.

My new book isn’t ready — but I started sharing the 1st draft this week.

I’m apprehensive because I wanted to include so much more…

…A list of the best educational resources on AI…
……Job descriptions for hiring managers.
………AI case studies.

And on…and on…

10 years ago I would have waited — and kept toiling away at the masterpiece in my head. But experience as taught me there is only one way to make great work — get it out there, learn, and make it better.

So I put it out there.

What is the worst that can happen? Someone tells me “this sucks”? If it truly sucks I’d rather find out today.

Do yourself a favor: act.


Find whatever you’re working on and put it out there. Ask him out, ask for a raise, email that customer, sign the term sheet, ship the product, or publish that blog post.

“You will be fierce. You will fearless. And you will make work you know in your heart is not as good as you want it to be.”
― Ira Glass

What is the worst that can happen?


I drafted this a few days ago and finally hit publish today (I know, I know…the irony). The feedback on the book has been amazing and my only regret is not finishing it sooner. Some paraphrased feedback:

The most insightful, readable, and practical content I’ve read on AI.
— Corporate VP of Investing and Innovation
The most practical AI advice from a business perspective.
— MIT Data Scientist

If you’re on a product or corporate innovation team and you’re interested in bringing AI to your company you may find it useful. Get it here.



Kevin Dewalt
Actionable AI

Founder of Prolego. Building the next generation of Enterprise AGI.