An Open Letter To Those Who Have Impacted Me Most

Allison Carey
The Business of Being Happy and Healthy
7 min readOct 18, 2019

To those who REALLY care,

Let me start with the most important part of this message: THANK YOU.

To my parents:

Thank you for caring. For grooming me into the woman I am today. For raising me to follow my dreams. You were always encouraging me to shoot for the stars and be my best version of myself. How did I get so lucky to have parents who are invested and involved in my life? I am so grateful for all that you have done and continue to do for me.

Mom: How many kids grow up, go to college, and continue to tell people that their best friend is their mom? I can verify, that no one, and I mean no one, ever tells you this. Thank you for answering my 7–10 calls a day, driving to town when a mom’s care is needed and always offering me the best advice. Love and like you (if you know, you know)!

Dad: How many girls grow up knowing that their dad is their #1 fan? Not many. Thank you for pushing me to challenge myself in school, teaching me to clean up after myself and being the best taste-tester in town. You’ve taught me how to follow my heart and have encouraged me to make the most of everything I do, and for that, thank you. Your little sweet pea will always be thankful.

To my teachers:

After switching schools a fair amount of times, I thought that each school was going to be just like the last. I thought that my teachers were all just there to complete their day job and then head home to their families and the rest of their lives. I was wrong. Although it took me years to find those people, I am so thankful I did.

Mrs. Haar: Your class changed my life. Not because of what the curriculum taught me, but because of what YOU taught me. Each day I sat in your class and I learned a little bit more about myself. That I could make my dreams come true and that I had a support system to back me up. I learned that the path I was paving for myself was going to be ever-changing. Most importantly, you made sure I knew that the unexpected twists and turns are what make my story unique. You helped me to find myself and motivated me to push for the future I wanted for myself. Thank you for never giving up on me.

Mrs. Haar and Mr. Dietrich

Mr. Dietrich: I’ve never met someone who can talk as much as me! The three classes I had with you were some of the best. You taught me the basics of everything. From how to handle a personal situation to how to balance a checkbook, you were always making sure I was taking steps in the right direction. Thank you for being someone I could openly talk to about anything. I appreciate you always finding time to talk to me. I hope other students feel that they can confide in you as I do. If not, they’re missing out.

Coach Hunt: I frequently think back to the day you questioned me about sitting in the back corner of your class. You told me that you knew I was not the back corner kind of student, that I had surprised you. I can’t help but think that that specific seat is part of the reason I have had many doors opened to me. I sat there when the guest speakers you brought in gave their presentation to me for the third time. Had I not been there, had it not been for you, I would not have had the job that has made many connections for me now. Thank you for always making sure I was connected to my future, and making sure I kept my goals in sight. You never gave me an excuse to fall back in school or in my dreams. Thank you for seeing a future in me, even when I struggled to see it myself.

To my bosses:

Most teenagers have very few work experiences, and even less that have an impact on them. They’re missing the experience of having mentors that care and go out of their way to help you develop into a successful young adult. I am fortunate enough to say that you have been a couple of the most influential people in my life. You have turned me into the worker bee I am today.

Julie: I never thought that the job I would learn most from would be my first job. I had expected the typical, go to work, scoop some custard, leave type workplace, but that is not what I got. I got a safe, friendly, welcoming and exciting workplace. You gave me so many opportunities to learn and grow as an individual and as a young worker. I learned about the role that I would play in my work life as well as the one that I had in the lives of those around me. You taught me how to work alongside others, how to problem solve and all the other basics that most would expect to learn in their first job. But what you really gave me was a sense of belonging and a sense of worth. Whether you know it or not, you were always making sure I knew that you cared. From giving me a shoulder to cry on over a ridiculous break up to giving me advice about my future, you were constantly treating me as one of your own. Thank you for all that you have done for me. I honestly don’t know who I would be if it weren’t for your guidance.

Shannon: Is it weird to call your boss your long lost mother? I hope not. From the first day I worked in the office with you, I knew we were going to have a great work relationship. I miss the days of walking in after school and telling you about how I color-coded my notes for each class and how I came across new ways to retain information. To us, this was normal, to others, very bizarre. You get me and the weird things I do. Like chewing a different kind of gum for each class so that I can do better on the exam…and even having a reason behind gum flavors being assigned to each class. Thank you for laughing with me about office supplies and sending me links about the top 10 rated pens in 2018. You have made me a little more fun-loving and have encouraged me to show my dorkiness to the world. Thank you for letting me be your mini-me!

To my islanders:

Josh and Brian: Wow. That is the first word that pops into my mind when I think of you. Who knew that a little under a year ago I was going to meet some of the most influential people in my life? The first night I sat and ate dinner with you in Costa Rica was the night I realized you were going to be here for the long run. You encouraged me to see the world in a new light. You inspired, tested and fulfilled me. I never thought that spending a week in the rain forest with new friends would be what changed me for the better. Keep spreading your joy and passion with others, you never know when it could change another life.

A few members of the Startup Island Community

Startup Island Community: Who knew that one day my favorite people to talk to would be some that I have never met before? Who would have thought that they would have had a huge impact on me? Not me. Every day I am blessed to take part in conversations that are centered around topics such as personal and professional strengths and weaknesses, networking opportunities, travel plans and meaningful words of wisdom. You have amazed me with your great advice and your dedication to one another. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life as well.

Each and every one of you have played a crucial role in making me who I am today. Thank you for guiding me in the right direction and impacting my life in every possible way. I love you all.

This story is published in The Business of Being Happy and Healthy, brought to you by the Startup Island community.

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