Beyond Boston: A Year Abroad

Marseille, Monaco, Rome, Capri, Athens, Santorini, Mykonos, Antwerp, Amsterdam, Hong Kong, Macau, Shenzhen, Hanoi, Tokyo, Kyoto, Mumbai, Jaipur, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Melbourne, Brussels, Prague, Copenhagen, Oslo, Switzerland, Milan, and Lake Como.

Hong Kong

In order to change the world, we must see it first.

Inspired by Shoe Dog by Phil Knight, a memoir by the creator of Nike, I wanted to witness the world’s beauty and most sacred places. I visited a Jain temple in Ipoh, Malaysia where I received a raksha potli bracelet for my protection.

Inspired by The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma, I wanted to unlock the powerhouse of my mind by choosing to think new thoughts. I embarked on a solo trip to Japan where I hiked up Mount Inari deep in the forests of Kyoto surrounded by the torii. Take me from the unreal to the real. Torii is a Shinto shrine representing the transition from the mundane to the sacred.


Inspired by The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, I wanted to connect with my personal legend and search for the truth about myself. I traveled to Vietnam with a group of exchange friends and stayed in a hostel, sleeper bus, overnight train, and boat cruise. We trekked through the terraced rice fields in Sa Pa guided by local Vietnamese farmers and showed our gratitude by buying their handmade crafts.

Inspired by Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari, I wanted to live in harmony with our own species and other animals we share this planet with. I discovered pure vegetarian restaurants in the Little India portion of Singapore. I reinforced my principles of vegetarianism and found peace of mind in being intentional about my daily habits. Every dollar you spend is a vote for the type of world you want to live in.

Inspired by Tuesday’s with Morrie by Mitch Albom, I learned the impermanence of everything and accepting that everything is always in flux. I embraced my state of transition from HK to SG. I reveled in the tremendous history of the island and never backed down from opportunities to practice my Mandarin and pick up some Singlish on the basketball courts of Kembangan.

Supertrees, Singapore

Inspired by The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, I aspired to be impeccable with my word, never take anything personally, never make assumptions, and to always try my best. I attended the Innovation and Breakthrough Forum in Hong Kong where I met the former U.S. Vice President Al Gore. He exuded the confidence of staying true to your word in his conviction towards curbing the effects of global climate change.

Star Ferry, HK

I was inspired not only by the books I read but also by all the individuals that were a part of my journey. From the suburban bus drivers in Singapore to the manager of our hostel in northern Vietnam, everybody played a role in creating my journey and enriching my experience. I hope I was able to do the same with all the people that I came across during travels over the past fourteen months.

As we explore the depths of our planet, boundaries begin to disappear and we start to realize the beauty of our shared human condition. As my expatriate year took me way beyond Boston, the people and places created defining moments in my life and an immense spaciousness in my mind. I am forever grateful for having the courage to embark on this journey and returning safely to a city that has become my home away from home.

State House, Boston

I am currently gaining inspiration from the following books:

  1. 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari
  2. Originals by Adam Grant
  3. Factfulness by Hans Rosling
  4. Robot-Proof by President Joseph E. Aoun



Shivank Taksali
The Business of Being Happy and Healthy

Community builder and young philanthropist. Striving to catalyze a global movement around mindfulness and youth empowerment.