How To Bring More of You Everywhere You Go

Brian Helfman
The Business of Being Happy and Healthy
4 min readJun 27, 2023

Last week, we at Third Nature hosted a virtual reunion for everyone who was at our Adult Summer Camp Weekend last month. A few folks expressed how energizing it was to simply be themselves at camp — but how since camp, they’ve found it difficult to tap back into that energy.

This got me thinking…

What is it about Third Nature Summer Camp that empowers people to be their true, full selves?

And how can people feel more authentically self-expressed in their lives back home?

At camp, it starts with contagiously welcoming energy. As people arrive, we are genuinely SO happy to see them. As more people arrive, that energy spreads. People who arrived early start welcoming others. It’s not the stuffy check-in process that you see at most conferences. It’s strangers giving hugs and high fives like long lost best friends.

After helping everyone make themselves at home and get acquainted with our adult playground, we get into our first workshop — Being Third Nature.

During this workshop, participants are put in their GPS groups — GPS stands for “Good Peeps Squad.” We put these groups together based on all the information we receive from participants before the trip, with the intention of surrounding everyone with people who get them. Then we do a values exercise. Each participant leaves that workshop feeling clear on their core values, and how they want to express & embody those values throughout the weekend.

Later that evening, we gather around the campfire, congratulate everyone for completing a full day, before we let loose and play.

There’s more that we do throughout the weekend to help participants embrace their authentic selves — including, but certainly not limited to, yoga, meditation, powerful workshops, conscious conversations, and plenty of time to be free and have fun — but day 1 really sets the tone.

So back to question 2: How can people feel more authentically self-expressed in more areas of their lives?

Let’s extract the learning from day 1 at Third Nature Summer Camp:

Lesson 1: Find spaces that are welcoming, where people are genuinely happy to see you.

If you can’t think of a space like that in your world, try Conscious Conversations. And remember, welcoming energy is contagious — so you can be patient zero. Be welcoming and genuinely happy to see the people you encounter, so that others feel safe to be themselves around you. Be the mirror that empowers others to do the same for you.

Lesson 2: Find people with shared values, and spend more time with them.

The most energizing conversations in life are those where the people involved feel understood. At Summer Camp, we do our best to introduce everyone to people who understand them on day 1, and encourage check-ins with those people throughout the weekend.

Seek out people who get you at work, in your neighborhood, and online. Invite them to hang outside of those spaces — bring your authentic self.

Lesson 3: Get clear on your 3–5 core values, and describe how you want to express each in your own words.

Think of your values as operating instructions for how you will engage with your work & life — how you will make decisions, interact with others, and make choices when things get difficult. These values can change over time as your needs evolve.

For example, one of my core values is Gratitude. Here’s how I express that:

“I write down what I’m grateful for every morning. I express & embody gratitude to others through my words & actions, by showing up for the people who show up for me. My attitude of gratitude is contagious, and inspires a more optimistic outlook for anyone I meet. I am always able to see the bright side, and the opportunity in every challenge.”

What’s one of your core values? How do you want to express and embody that value this week?

Lesson 4: Don’t forget to acknowledge & celebrate progress, let loose and play.

As Plato said: “You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” This applies to self-discovery as well. Every time you allow yourself to play, you into a more you version of you.

Also, just have fun for the sake of having fun. Like these smart, ambitious, impact-driven individuals not taking themselves too seriously by getting launched off the blob at camp…

If you’re craving an energizing adventure to look forward to that will empower you to be more you, check out Third Nature Summer Camp.



Brian Helfman
The Business of Being Happy and Healthy

Founder & Experience Creator at Third Nature. I help individuals succeed by being themselves. Curious about most things, optimistic about the future.