I’m Sad. I Hope.

Taryn Lachter
The Business of Being Happy and Healthy
1 min readMar 28, 2020

I’m sad.

For the people who are scared and afraid.

For my friends who have lost their jobs and don’t know when they’ll be employed again.

For the millions without healthcare or food security.

For the future of our economy and our global relations.

I’m sad.

For the state of our government and political climate.

For the way our leaders choose to act.

For the lack of compassion from our heads of state.

But I hope.

For the global climate that is resurgent from our stillness.

For the creativity and innovation that comes from slowing down.

For the unity and love individuals are sharing with their neighbors.

I hope.

For the day we can embrace each other again.

For the solidarity and understanding we will have for those around us.

For the joy and passion that will flow just from being free to move.



Taryn Lachter
The Business of Being Happy and Healthy

If asked to describe me, most of my friends would characterize me by my love for food. I'm also a deep thinker, a loyal friend, and an emotional being.