So, what’s ‘healing’ anyway?

Yasmeen Masri
The Business of Being Happy and Healthy
2 min readDec 19, 2021
Photo credits: Brian Patrick Tagalog on Unsplash

So, what’s ‘healing’ anyway?

We talk about healing like it’s a destination, like we’re going to get there someday, like we’re ever going to be fully healed, like we’re going to return to the beautiful and naive past version of us.

We talk about it as if it’s this hard-to-do, hard-to-be, imaginary & elusive destination.

Is it?

I don’t know.

Does anyone?

When can we look back and say we’ve healed? Are we ever going to be?

Photo credits: Elia Pellegrini on Unsplash

Maybe the purpose isn’t healing but fully accepting our pain, suffering, and brokenness.

Maybe that’s ‘healing’.

Maybe healing is a state of mind.

Maybe it’s the promise you make to yourself that you will not let this bring you down, change your essence, or ruin you. It’s the promise that you will use your pain to create something beautiful, to be something beautiful.

Maybe healing is a state of mind, a state of being, a thing you already are, and will always be.

You are healed and healing.

