Podcast #1 — Challenges in Learning Management: Healthcare

Marius Fermi
The Business of People
3 min readOct 23, 2017
Podcast #1 — Challenges with Learning Management in Healthcare.

Marc Niemes from HealthXN recently interviewed Sam Easen, Qintil Founder and CEO to discuss the top challenges he sees with learning management in healthcare.

This is our very first podcast so we’re incredibly excited! Please share and leave feedback. Tune in again soon.


  1. IT Literacy and Low Engagement

Something that can be seen as a challenge, within healthcare specifically, is that IT literacy may not be as high as other industries which results in low levels of engagement with courses.

Generally speaking, if you struggle to use something you tend to lose interest thus the Low Engagement problem.

2. Market Fit

The majority of Learning Management Systems have been focused on the medium to large business, especially in healthcare. This makes it incredibly off-putting for smaller businesses as these systems tend to be more complex with implementation, maintenance is needed and ongoing admin work needs to be conducted.

Ultimately the cost and size of implementation puts people off. Reverting back to spreadsheets which, lets face it, are never up-to-date and lack the efficiency that is needed.

However, Learning Management Systems for healthcare compliance are now switching over to a more SaaS/Cloud based model. The end result is instant on systems, low cost, scalable and incredibly efficient.

3. Spreadsheets are Standard

Spreadsheets in healthcare are still the go-to champion. Still the source of all information regardless if it’s in multiple sheets or spread out across the ether that is Documents folder.

The manual effort of updating, saving and sharing a spreadsheet is tedious enough. Factor in multiple nurses, multiple spreadsheets/users and a who load of confusion.

Essentially the whole spreadsheet tracking process is inefficient with time, money and staff benefits.

Platforms like Qintil now offer user profiles that can be tracked and monitored in real-time, reports created and course routes set — all with a click of a button. Say goodbye to spreadsheets!

4. No Time to Upskill

If training and tracking is conducting face-to-face, during working hours and so on — it becomes incredibly difficult to find time to upskill staff.

With Compliance Learning Management Systems it’s alot easier to get things streamlined, efficient and free up time for staff to upskill. Not only can you start to create a skills path, you generally see an increase in engagement.

5. Costs of the Traditional Training Route

The costs quickly add up with the traditional route — face-to-face training, backfilling staff and ensuring cover is in place, general admin costs and more unforeseen costs.

Now, software like Qintil’s Learning Manager needs to be used part of a blended-learning system. Face-to-face training is here to stay, but the inefficient aspects are not.

With LMS you can mix face-to-face with theory in a way that minimises time usage and helps with cost saving. Consider fire safety — theory online, physical training after so it’s really that simple.

