Get to Know the GTSF Investments Committee

GTSF Investments Committee
The Buzz @ Georgia Tech
3 min readMar 22, 2021

Learn more about the Investments Committee (IC) from a recent Q&A with Senior Managing Director, Jake DiBenedetto, and our GTSF Advisor, Ryan Laughlin.

Jake is a 4th-year Business Administration Major with a Finance concentration who has served on the IC for 6 semesters. He was previously the Sector Head of Consumer Staples and the Director of Mentorship. He is also involved with Georgia Tech Student Ambassadors, Accel, Excel Mentor Program, and Greek Life.

Ryan started as the Student Engagement Coordinator for the Georgia Tech Alumni Association in January. Over the past couple months, he has seen the day-to-day operations of the Investments Committee. From his past experience working on college campuses, he brings unique insight into the impact of the Investments Committee.

Q: Can you briefly explain what the IC is and the work that we do?

Jake: The Investments Committee is one of the largest entirely student-managed philanthropic endowment funds in the country. As a subset of the Georgia Tech Student Foundation, the IC oversees $1.8 million in efforts to fuel and sustain campus-wide organizational initiatives. The committee operates in 13 sectors, each responsible for managing an allocation of the total fund. Analysts are aligned to a specific sector and generate presentations on stocks and bonds for our 8 voting directors, who ultimately make decisions as to the holdings of the portfolio. Presentations consist of a mix between intrinsic valuation, strategic analysis, and novel thesis development.

Q: What was your first impression of the IC when you started earlier this semester?

Ryan: As someone with a career in working with student organizations, I was impressed when I walked into my first IC meeting. The students run a well-oiled machine, and it’s unbelievable when you consider many of them have other involvements: greek life presidents, student ambassadors, and internships. They handle the responsibilities of the IC and their coursework all while staying up to date on the trajectory of their markets and investments.

Q: What do you most enjoy about your relationship with the IC?

Ryan: Advising this organization reminds me why I decided to dedicate my career to working on college campuses with students. It does awesome work with the endowment, all in the name of giving back to the school through philanthropy. Their work helps us educate the rest of the campus on why we need to give back in order to move forward. They’ve really welcomed me to Tech and helped give me the tools I need to best support them.

Q: How have you seen the organization grow and develop during the time you have been involved?

Jake: Each semester in the IC has made my world bigger and bigger as I’ve moved from analyst to Senior Director. Boiled down, the IC is about the development and empowerment of the analysts and broader Georgia Tech community. As the IC grew, I have seen a push towards better marketing, more inclusive Mentorship classes, unmatched career opportunities, and social opportunities. These initiatives are the aspects of the IC that truly stand the test of time. Our people make our organization special. We all rise together, and the transition towards a culture of empowerment is the most positive development I have experienced.

Thank you so much, Jake and Ryan, for taking the time to sit down and spread the word about the Investments Committee. To learn more about our members, portfolio, and work, check out our brand new website!



GTSF Investments Committee
The Buzz @ Georgia Tech

The Investments Committee is a 100% student run organization managing the $1.8 million endowment of the Georgia Tech Student Foundation.