The Social Problem With Georgia Tech

Allison Williams
The Buzz @ Georgia Tech
2 min readJun 10, 2022


Take thousands of introverted nerds and put them in one place. That’s Georgia Tech. Sure, there’s clubs and activities to get involved in, but one common theme that I’ve run into here at Tech is that we all share the common experience of being lonely.

My summer roommate just transferred to Georgia Tech and she said, “If it weren’t for you guys (us roomies), I wouldn’t talk to anybody at all.”

Georgia Tech is known for being extremely difficult with lots of rigorous work to get into, but one thing that many students didn’t prepare for when applying, was how to socialize. There’s so many nerds here, myself included, and none of us were taught how to meet new people. Sure we can join new clubs but you can only join so many.

The problem with students here, is we are all so introverted and worried about our grades. We never pick our heads up out of our books to have fun. We are always “on the grind”.

It’s very isolating living on your own for the first time, and being at Georgia Tech makes it ten times worse. I believe Georgia Tech has a serious problem of isolating its students, and I believe that there needs to be a change made to help those feeling isolated.

And with the amount of depressed students here, I believe it’s a more serious issue than Georgia Tech puts on.

In one of my classes, I overheard two students talking to each other, “Yeah, he’s been depressed lately.” “Normal Georgia Tech depressed or like super depressed?”

There shouldn’t be a “Normal Georgia Tech depressed”. Students shouldn’t be lonely the way that they are. Something needs to be done, whether that be in the instructional side of things or on the residential side of things. Something needs to be done.

