The Start of my Journey in Processing

Lasya Akshara
The Buzz @ Georgia Tech
2 min readSep 28, 2020

Hi all! I want to start this article with a little introduction. My name is Lasya Akshara, I am an industrial engineering major on track for a computer science minor, and I am the operations and growth leader for The Buzz.

For my first article, I decided that I would start a journey in a medium I have never explored before. Since I do enjoy computer science, as well as torturing myself apparently, I decided I would start my journey in Processing and generative art.

Processing is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) in which you can create animations and graphics with code (aka generative art). Processing was something I had never heard of before starting this, so my first instinct was to turn to YouTube. I began by watching a series by the YouTuber dante, that explained the basics and The Coding Train’s 10- minute coding challenges. These videos explain the code in Java (the default setting), however, you can also code in Python (which is what I did). These videos are great for getting a foundation in Processing (I will link below). These videos were also my main inspiration for the code below.

Specifically, my code was inspired by dante’s video on a coding a bouncing ball. I took his methods and modified it to Python, and something more personalized to the Buzz (watch the video below).

This is the corresponding code:

After completing this code, I am excited about the prospects that this medium can offer. I think that there is a lot of potential for Processing to be a way for me to express my creativity with logic and structure (two things I dearly value) and to build my curiosity by exploring the math that exists within art. I will be continuing to learn more about Processing, and I hope that all of you will join me on this journey.


dante’s video on how to code a bouncing ball:

The Coding Train:

A generative art for python workshop by Emily Xie:

My Github repository on Processing:

