Lesson 7: TCP/IP Basics

I. Standardizing Networking Technology

Ann K. Hoang
The Cabin Coder
4 min readApr 7, 2015


  • diff companies have diff protocols
  • novel netware uses IPX/SPX
  • microsoft uses NetBIOS/NETBEUI
  • apple uses AppleTalk
  • UNIX uses TCP/IP
  • UNIX’s protocol won
  • microsoft’s software is called the IPX/SPX on NWLINK for Netware server, on the Network+ exam, this is usually the wrong answer

II. TCP/IP Protocol Suite

  • powerful bc packet is compatible with any type of network technology
  • the physical layer (LINK LAYER) is not part of the TCP/IP suite
  • ie, the Ethernet, cable modern, DSL
  • only account for the software layers
  • the higher you go up the model the more headers are stripped away until all that is left is data

III. Internet Layer

  • the IP works at the Internet Layer
  • it takes date chunks from the Transport layer and add addressing to create the final IP packet
  • a full IP packet header has 14 diff fields but some of the important ones are here:
  • version = IPv4 or IPv6
  • header length = total size of the IP portion of the packet in words (32-bit) is displayed in hl field
  • DSCP = differentiated services code point contains data used by the bandwidth sensitive applications, for ex: voice over IP
  • time to live = routers on the internet are not perfect and sometimes create loops
  • TTL counter cannot start higher than 255, usu. starts at 128
  • protocol — usually TCP or UDP

IV. Transport Layer Protocols

  • transport layer determin if data moving btw two systems is connection-oriented or not
  • transmission control protocol — reliable
  • user datagram protocol — fast, not reliable
  • you cannot choose TCP or UDP, the web browerser uses tcp bc the app layer protocol HTTP is built upon TCP
  • ACK/NACK process or just ACK = rule for receiving and sending machines to acknowledge e/o’s presense
  • data is called “segments” at TCP, each has sequencing number


  • sequence number = used to assemble/disassemble data
  • ACK number = tracks the readiness of two communicating systems to send receive data
  • flags = give both sides detailed info about the state of conneciton
  • checksum = checks TCP header for errors


V. IP Address in Depth

  • 32 bit value (32 binary digits), broken up into 4 group of 8
  • use ipconfig /all for window and ipconfig for unix-based system

A. IP Addresses in Action

  • IP must do 3 things to communicate data to both computers in its LAN and WAN:
  1. Create some way to use IP addresses that each LAN has its own uniq id
  2. Interconnect al the LANs using routers and give those routers some way to use the network id to send packets to the right network
  3. give each comp on the network some way to recognize if a packet is for the LAN or for a computer on the WAN

B. Interconnecting

  • router connects individual LANs into a larger network
  • default gateway = needs an IP address on the LANs that it serves, so it can correctly route packets
  • most net admin config the LAN-side NIC on the default gateway the lowest host addr in net, usu the host ID of 1

C. Subnet Mask

  • every TCP/IP has a tool to tell the sending computer whether the dest. IP addr is local or long distance
  • subnet mask — string of binary number, 32 bits
  • ex: 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000
  • octet to decimal is:
  • portion of the ip addr that aligns with ones is the subnet mask ID
  • portion of the ip addr that aligns with zeros is the host ID
  • the PC compares the dest. IP addr to its own IP addr using the subnet mask,
  • if the dest. ip addr matches the computer’s IP wherever there’s a 1 in the subnet mask, then the sending PC knows the dest. is local
  • if it is a local call, the sending computer sends a broadcast to grab the receiving computer’s MAC address susing the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
  • if the receiving computer is not a local machine, the sending computer sends an ARP request to the default gateway
  • by definition, all computers on the same network have the same subnet mask and network ID


  • IANA ( Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) was formed to track and disperese IP addr to those who needs them.
class ID

VI. CIDR and Subnetting

  • Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) — new way to gen. new blocks of IP addr
  • subnetting enables more efficient use of IP addr compared to class licences
  • separate a netowrk for security and for bandwidth control


  • take existing /8 /16/ or /24 subnet and extend the subnet mask by adding more ones and taking away the corresponding number of zeros



Ann K. Hoang
The Cabin Coder

Senior Software Engineer. Born in Saigon. Raised in the Silicon Valley. Currently in Seattle, WA.